Warm up: 250 m row, 20 pvc pass thrus, windmills, ohs, good mornings; 3 x 15 s hang from bar
Mobility: straight leg raises, downward facing dog, crab walks, handstand holds, prisoner squat jumps
Skill Focus: Power Clean
Mobility: straight leg raises, downward facing dog, crab walks, handstand holds, prisoner squat jumps
Skill Focus: Power Clean
Warm up: 2x 200 m run, 8 alt db snatches, 8 spiderman lunges, 8 reverse inchworms, 8 knee raises
Skill Focus: Step Ups (alternating w/ raised flexed foot)
Skill Focus: Step Ups (alternating w/ raised flexed foot)
Warm up: 400 m run, 10 pass thrus, 10 windmills; 10 push up retractions, 10 push ups, 5 scapular pull ups, 5 pull ups
Mobility: Lats
Skill Focus: Bench Press
Warm up to a decent weight and. . .
Mobility: Lats
Skill Focus: Bench Press
Warm up to a decent weight and. . .
Warm Up: 10 jumping jacks, 10 walking lunges, 10 lateral lunges, 10 squats,
30 sec spiderman stretch, 30 sec pigeon stretch
Skill Focus: Deadlifts/box jumps
8:00 AMRAP of
10 deadlifts
15 box jumps
30 sec spiderman stretch, 30 sec pigeon stretch
Skill Focus: Deadlifts/box jumps
8:00 AMRAP of
10 deadlifts
15 box jumps
Warm up: 2 min jumprope, 20 prisoner lunges; 2x 8 ring rows, kte, 1 arm swings; 10 hs shoulder taps or alternative is alt kick ups
Skill Focus: Resisted Pull Ups (partner or with band)
Skill Focus: Resisted Pull Ups (partner or with band)
Warm up: 2x 250 m row/200 m run, 1- pass thrus, 10 wall balls, 10 push ups
Mobility/Stability: Dead bugs 3 x 30
Skill Focus: Box Squat
Warm up to working weight. . .
Level 2 & 3
Mobility/Stability: Dead bugs 3 x 30
Skill Focus: Box Squat
Warm up to working weight. . .
Level 2 & 3
Teams of 3-4
800 m team run
10 tire flips*
15 flying burpees
20 db hang power cleans 35-40#/25-30#
25 lateral hurdle jumps
30 mb get-ups 20#/14#
25 lateral hurdle jumps
20 db hang power cleans
15 flying burpees
800 m team run
10 tire flips*
15 flying burpees
20 db hang power cleans 35-40#/25-30#
25 lateral hurdle jumps
30 mb get-ups 20#/14#
25 lateral hurdle jumps
20 db hang power cleans
15 flying burpees
Warm up: run/row, mobility, 10 good mornings, 10 squat jumps, 10 deadlift set ups
Mobility: On the turf. . .foam roll, iron crosses, scorpians, bridges, inchworms, lax on hammies
Skill Focus: Deadlift
WOD 14.3
Mobility: On the turf. . .foam roll, iron crosses, scorpians, bridges, inchworms, lax on hammies
Skill Focus: Deadlift
WOD 14.3
Warm up: 2x 200 m run, 10 banded pass thrus, 5 db c & j, 5 push ups, 5 box jumps (low box)
Mobility: 5 to 10 min lax ball to chest on wall & traps smash with barbell
Stability: 5x :20 s dip support on rings or dip bars :40 s rest
Mobility: 5 to 10 min lax ball to chest on wall & traps smash with barbell
Stability: 5x :20 s dip support on rings or dip bars :40 s rest