14.3 Open Wod

Paula Jager
Sunday, March 16, 2014 - 04:09
Warm up: run/row, mobility, 10 good mornings, 10 squat jumps, 10 deadlift set ups

Mobility:  On the turf. . .foam roll, iron crosses, scorpians, bridges, inchworms, lax on hammies

Skill Focus: Deadlift

WOD 14.3
Levels 2 & 310 deadlifts 135#/95#
15 box jumps 24"/20"
15 dl 185/135
15 box jumps
20 dl 225/155
15 box jumps
25 dl 275/185
15 box jump
30 dl 315/205
15 box jump
35 dl 365/225

Level 1:  scale as needed

Uhh, we're not making Regionals this year we want our Friday night bench


and skullcrushers

