Paula Jager
Thursday, March 13, 2014 - 15:50
Warm up:  2x 200 m run, 10 banded pass thrus, 5 db c & j, 5 push ups, 5 box jumps (low box)

Mobility: 5 to 10 min lax ball to chest on wall & traps smash with barbell

Stability: 5x  :20 s dip support on rings or dip bars :40 s rest

Skill:  Review of Clean & Jerk -- full clean, may split
A good 10 min to warm up to a challenging weight/work on form and technique

Level 3
3 c & j 135-155#/95-110#
6 dynamic push ups (clapping or off plate)
9 box jumps 30”/24” (full hip ext + step down)

Level 2
3 c & J 115#/80#
6 hand release push ups
9 box jumps 24”/20” (ditto)

Level 1
3 c & j or pp
6 hand release push ups
9 box jumps (ditto)
w/ a partner @ a 1:1
AMRAP in 15 min

EC:  50 evil wheels or bb rollouts NFT
Post # rds + reps for score

I'm really hoping that's the lax ball work. . .


Yoga & Clean/Jerks: a beautiful combo

The yin and the yang--find your balance; don't forget we have yoga on Thursdays at 9:00 am and 6:30 pm!!
