Warm up: 250 m row, 20 pvc pass thrus, windmills, ohs, good mornings; 3 x 15 s hang from bar
Mobility: straight leg raises, downward facing dog, crab walks, handstand holds, prisoner squat jumps
Skill Focus: Power Clean
Build up to working weight
Levels 2 & 3: 14.4
60 c row
50 t2b
40 wall balls 20#/14#
30 power cleans or clean 135#/95#
20 muscle ups
AMRAP in 14 min
Level 1: 14.4
60 c row
50 t2b, kte, knee raises or v ups
40 wall balls (scale # not height)
30 cleans/pc/hpc/hc
20 pull ups/dips
AMRAP in 14 min
For total reps
Our very our Taylar, sitting pretty. . .
Mobility: straight leg raises, downward facing dog, crab walks, handstand holds, prisoner squat jumps
Skill Focus: Power Clean
Build up to working weight
Levels 2 & 3: 14.4
60 c row
50 t2b
40 wall balls 20#/14#
30 power cleans or clean 135#/95#
20 muscle ups
AMRAP in 14 min
Level 1: 14.4
60 c row
50 t2b, kte, knee raises or v ups
40 wall balls (scale # not height)
30 cleans/pc/hpc/hc
20 pull ups/dips
AMRAP in 14 min
For total reps
Our very our Taylar, sitting pretty. . .