Warm Up: 2x: 10 goblet squats, 5 swings, 30 sec kb squat hold, 5 burpees
Skill Focus:
25 minutes to find 1rm front squat
EMOM 15 minutes
Min 1: 10 burpees
Skill Focus:
25 minutes to find 1rm front squat
EMOM 15 minutes
Min 1: 10 burpees
A) Take 20 min to find a 1rm snatch
B) CF Metcon
C0 Accumulate 36 strict pull ups in sets of 1-3
B) CF Metcon
C0 Accumulate 36 strict pull ups in sets of 1-3
Warm Up: 400 m run/row; 2x 10 pass thurs, 15 double unders, 20 s hs hold; 2 x 5 box jumps, 5 dyn push ups
Skill Focus: Handstand Walking & Progressions
EMOM 10 minutes
Max distance unbroken handstand walk
Skill Focus: Handstand Walking & Progressions
EMOM 10 minutes
Max distance unbroken handstand walk
Warm up: Kids choice tabatas 2 mins
Tabata 1: burpees & squats
Tabata 2: push ups & handstands
Skill: Kids Choice - Snatch
WOD: Pick a Partner. . . Surprise
Tabata 1: burpees & squats
Tabata 2: push ups & handstands
Skill: Kids Choice - Snatch
WOD: Pick a Partner. . . Surprise
Warm up: 400 m run/row; 3x 10 split jumps, 10 scap dep, 10 leg swings (alt directions)
Skill Focus: Back Squats
Warm up to working weight
E2MOM 14 minutes
Back squat 3@85%
Skill Focus: Back Squats
Warm up to working weight
E2MOM 14 minutes
Back squat 3@85%
A) Back Squat 4 x 2 @95% (if you fail more than twice, drop the weight and finish the sets)
B) CF Metcon
C) 50 medball get ups (you pick the weight)
B) CF Metcon
C) 50 medball get ups (you pick the weight)
Warm Up: 400 m row/run; 10 pvc pass thrus, 2x 10 w/ a slam ball dl/shrugs, power cleans, front squats
Skill Focus: Clean pull + Power Clean + Front Squat
Build to working weight with a few light sets
Skill Focus: Clean pull + Power Clean + Front Squat
Build to working weight with a few light sets
A) Take 20 min to build to today's 1rm clean
B) CF metcon
C) 3 x 6 walking lunges 135#/95#
D) 3 x 6 jumping squats w/ barbell in back rack position 95#/65#
B) CF metcon
C) 3 x 6 walking lunges 135#/95#
D) 3 x 6 jumping squats w/ barbell in back rack position 95#/65#
Warm-Up: 2 wall walk up, log roll to cone, 10 arm circles forward, 10 arm circles backward, 5 squats, 3 broad jumps, 25-yd high-knee skip, 25-yd back pedal
Focus: Rowing – legs > arms/arms > legs
Focus: Rowing – legs > arms/arms > legs