A) Back Squat; 5 sets of 3 @ 78-80% of 1rm (try to move quickly) Add 5- 10#s to last week.
B) CF Metcon
C) Strict press; E2MOM 6min (3 sets) 5 reps @ 70-75% add 2 – 5# to last week.
B) CF Metcon
C) Strict press; E2MOM 6min (3 sets) 5 reps @ 70-75% add 2 – 5# to last week.
SKILL: Deadlift: 2 rep every :45 sec for 12 rounds (9 Mins) @ 75-80%
WOD: 200m KB Carry (53/35) *1 KB on the carry, can switch hands whenever they want*
15 KB DL
10 KB Goblet Squats
5 KB Russian Swings
WOD: 200m KB Carry (53/35) *1 KB on the carry, can switch hands whenever they want*
15 KB DL
10 KB Goblet Squats
5 KB Russian Swings
Tabata of Hollow Rocks and Superman Holds
Then 10 minutes snatch review
10-9- 8-7- 6-5- 4-3- 2-1
Toes to Bar
1-2- 3-4- 5-6- 7-8- 9-10
Power Snatch 95#/65#
Tabata of Hollow Rocks and Superman Holds
Then 10 minutes snatch review
10-9- 8-7- 6-5- 4-3- 2-1
Toes to Bar
1-2- 3-4- 5-6- 7-8- 9-10
Power Snatch 95#/65#
100 Thrusters 135#/95#
**EMOM perform 5 burpees**
For Time
Time Cap: 45 minutes
Scaling options: lower weight lower amount of burpees partners switching off every minute
Score: Time
100 Thrusters 135#/95#
**EMOM perform 5 burpees**
For Time
Time Cap: 45 minutes
Scaling options: lower weight lower amount of burpees partners switching off every minute
Score: Time
Strength: Split Jerk
Spend 8 minutes on Technique
Then 15 minutes on (Find a 1 RM)
CrossFit Open Workout 13.2
AMRAP 10 minutes
5 Shoulder to Overhead 115#/75#
Spend 8 minutes on Technique
Then 15 minutes on (Find a 1 RM)
CrossFit Open Workout 13.2
AMRAP 10 minutes
5 Shoulder to Overhead 115#/75#
SKILL: 2RM 1 arm Seated DB press
WOD: 50 Walking lunges
50 DB Snatch (30-40)/(20- 30)
400m run
50 Weighted Step Ups (30-40)/(20- 30) * DBs in both hands for step ups*
50 Pushups
For time
WOD: 50 Walking lunges
50 DB Snatch (30-40)/(20- 30)
400m run
50 Weighted Step Ups (30-40)/(20- 30) * DBs in both hands for step ups*
50 Pushups
For time
A) Power Snatch: 5 sets of 4 reps @ 75% of 1 rm ps. (touch and go if possible)
B) CF Metcon
C) 50 TTB for time
D) Free standing handstand holds and Freestanding HSPU practice. (take about 5 – 10 min to work on quality movement)
B) CF Metcon
C) 50 TTB for time
D) Free standing handstand holds and Freestanding HSPU practice. (take about 5 – 10 min to work on quality movement)
Skill: 100M Sprints 10 min EMOM
EMOM 18 minutes - RX
Min 1: 12/10 Calorie Row
Min 2: 15 Wall Balls (20#/14#)
Min 3: Plate Push Down and Back
EMOMx18 - Scaled
EMOM 18 minutes - RX
Min 1: 12/10 Calorie Row
Min 2: 15 Wall Balls (20#/14#)
Min 3: Plate Push Down and Back
EMOMx18 - Scaled