A) Clean and Jerk; 60% x 2+1, 65% x 2+1, 70% x 2+1 x 3 sets (2 cleans + 1 Jerk)
B) CF Metcon
C) 3rnft: 3 muscle ups, 12 pull ups, 25 double unders
(If you do not have muscle ups, sub for strict pull ups, or applicable progression,
B) CF Metcon
C) 3rnft: 3 muscle ups, 12 pull ups, 25 double unders
(If you do not have muscle ups, sub for strict pull ups, or applicable progression,
E2MOM 18 minutes
2 cleans + 1 push jerk + 1 split jerk
Minute 1-3 @70%
Minute 4-6 @75%
Minute 7-10 @80%
E2MOM 18 minutes
2 cleans + 1 push jerk + 1 split jerk
Minute 1-3 @70%
Minute 4-6 @75%
Minute 7-10 @80%
Due to the overwhelming number of outstanding Jaguar members we are honoring both a male AND female athlete each month so that we can better spread the well deserved recognition! And to kick that off we have two exemplary picks for March!
E2MOM 10 minutes
3 back squats @88%
E2MOM 20 minutes
200m run (scale to 200m row/100m run)
Score: squat weight + # of rounds completed
E2MOM 10 minutes
3 back squats @88%
E2MOM 20 minutes
200m run (scale to 200m row/100m run)
Score: squat weight + # of rounds completed
Happy Belated Birthday Dave!!
A) Snatch; 60% x 2, 65% 2 x 2 sets, 70% 2 x 3 sets
(Not tap and go, but no rest. Drop and reset, it’s light, do it right.)
B) CF Metcon
C) Push Press 70% x 3 x 3 sets
(Not tap and go, but no rest. Drop and reset, it’s light, do it right.)
B) CF Metcon
C) Push Press 70% x 3 x 3 sets
A) Back Squat 70% x 3 reps x 5 sets
B) CF Metcon
C) 3rnft, 25’ HS walk (1/3 turf), 20 empty bar thrusters (45/33)
B) CF Metcon
C) 3rnft, 25’ HS walk (1/3 turf), 20 empty bar thrusters (45/33)
Warm up: 1min on 30 sec rest of: sit ups, inchworms, push press, HS hold, pass through
Skill: clean and jerk
9 min AMRAP of:
15 Hanging knee raises or toes to bar
Skill: clean and jerk
9 min AMRAP of:
15 Hanging knee raises or toes to bar
In teams of 5
10 minutes max distance row/vc, switching every 200 m/100 ft
Rest 3 minutes, then AMRAP FGB Style (3 rounds)
BB jump squats 65#/45#
KB SDHP 70#/53#
Box jumps 24”/20”
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 9 minutes of:
15 toes-to-bars
10 deadlifts 115/75
5 snatches 115/75
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 9 minutes of:
15 toes-to-bars
10 deadlifts 115/75
5 snatches 115/75