Warm Up: 400m class run then red light green light then squatting and shoulder mobility
Skill: 3 x 3 push press try to add a little more weight to last week
5 rounds of
6 push press
6 front squats
6 push jerks
6 front squats
(5 burpee penalty every time bar is sat down on the ground during reps but may rest as long as you want after the last front squats with bar on the ground)
Skill: 3 x 3 push press try to add a little more weight to last week
5 rounds of
6 push press
6 front squats
6 push jerks
6 front squats
(5 burpee penalty every time bar is sat down on the ground during reps but may rest as long as you want after the last front squats with bar on the ground)