Hearts: 200m MB run 20#/14#
Spades: 2 rope climbs (sub 15 ring rows)
Clubs: 10 jumping squats (sub air squats)
Diamonds: 10 push-ups
Ace: 10 tire flips
King: 2 Plate Push down & back 45#/25#
Queen: 200m DB farmers carry AHAP
Joker: 25 cal row or versa or airdyne
Black Jack: 25 tire burpees (jumping in and out of tire) –2 points
Red Jack: 2 mins rest +2 points
Each card = 1 point (except for Jacks)
Score is total points of all card completed
Wait...what's my card?
Spades: 2 rope climbs (sub 15 ring rows)
Clubs: 10 jumping squats (sub air squats)
Diamonds: 10 push-ups
Ace: 10 tire flips
King: 2 Plate Push down & back 45#/25#
Queen: 200m DB farmers carry AHAP
Joker: 25 cal row or versa or airdyne
Black Jack: 25 tire burpees (jumping in and out of tire) –2 points
Red Jack: 2 mins rest +2 points
Each card = 1 point (except for Jacks)
Score is total points of all card completed