Workout of the day - Wednesday, April 13, 2016
Warm Up:
2x through, 1 min each of:
A) Skill: Strict Press, 3,3,3,3,3 (find a 3RM)
B) Wod: 5 rounds for time (15min time cap)
5 deadlifts (275/190)
25 Wall balls (20/14)
B) Wod: 5 rounds for time (15min time cap)
5 deadlifts (275/190)
25 Wall balls (20/14)
B) CF Metcon
C) 100m row for time, 1min rest, 500m row for time, 2min rest, 250m row at a 1min pace.
B) CF Metcon
C) 100m row for time, 1min rest, 500m row for time, 2min rest, 250m row at a 1min pace.
A) 10min EMOM (10rds, all work completed every minute)
4 Power clean @ 60% of 1rm
6 Burpees
B) Wod: 7min AMRAP
3 Bar Muscle ups (sub 6 ctb pull ups or hardest modified pull up, no dips)
10 power snatch (75/55)
4 Power clean @ 60% of 1rm
6 Burpees
B) Wod: 7min AMRAP
3 Bar Muscle ups (sub 6 ctb pull ups or hardest modified pull up, no dips)
10 power snatch (75/55)
B) CF Metcon
C) 10min emom C2B pullups (Add 1 rep to what you did last week, and hit that number every minute for 10 minutes unbroken)
B) CF Metcon
C) 10min emom C2B pullups (Add 1 rep to what you did last week, and hit that number every minute for 10 minutes unbroken)