A) Strength: Back Squat: 10min E2MOM; 5rds (5 sets of 5 reps at 75-85% of 1RM)
B) Metcon:
12 HPS (75/55)
9 push ups
9min AMRAP
Score: rounds plus reps
B) Metcon:
12 HPS (75/55)
9 push ups
9min AMRAP
Score: rounds plus reps
B) CF Metcon
C) 800m run for time, rest 3min, then 400m run @ 90% intensity
(score the 800 only)
B) CF Metcon
C) 800m run for time, rest 3min, then 400m run @ 90% intensity
(score the 800 only)
S: rope climb practice
If you have them, then
10 min E2MOM
1 RC
10 min AMRAP
8 TGU 30/15
10 Goblet Lunge
12 DB Row from plank
( should only need 1 DB)"
If you have them, then
10 min E2MOM
1 RC
10 min AMRAP
8 TGU 30/15
10 Goblet Lunge
12 DB Row from plank
( should only need 1 DB)"
A) Strength: 15 to 20min - Weighted pull up – Find a 1 RM
If you can’t do a strict pull up, 5 sets of max banded pull ups on the hardest band you can do at least 5 reps with.
B) Metcon:
10 renegade rows (M- 35-45 F- 20-30)
If you can’t do a strict pull up, 5 sets of max banded pull ups on the hardest band you can do at least 5 reps with.
B) Metcon:
10 renegade rows (M- 35-45 F- 20-30)
A) Strength: Hang Power Clean 1RM
B) Metcon: Partner Macho Man
3 Power clean 185/135
3 Front Squat
3 shoulder to overhead
15min AMRAP
1:1, complete a full round then switch
B) Metcon: Partner Macho Man
3 Power clean 185/135
3 Front Squat
3 shoulder to overhead
15min AMRAP
1:1, complete a full round then switch
Workout of the day - Wednesday, September 7, 2016
Skill: Deadlifts
S: Push press 4x3 @75%
If no one, build to heavy 3
10 RFT
10 push up
10 sit up
10 squats
(12 min time cap)
If no one, build to heavy 3
10 RFT
10 push up
10 sit up
10 squats
(12 min time cap)
A) Complex: Hang power clean, hang clean, jerk. Find heaviest of the day
B) CF Metcon
C) 4rds. Max reps toes to bar
D) 50 ghd sit ups for time
B) CF Metcon
C) 4rds. Max reps toes to bar
D) 50 ghd sit ups for time