30 squats
19 power cleans 135#/95#
7 strict pull ups
400 m run
Scaling Option A
30 squats
19 power cleans 115#/80#
7 pull ups
400 m run
Scaling Option B
30 squats
30 squats
19 power cleans 135#/95#
7 strict pull ups
400 m run
Scaling Option A
30 squats
19 power cleans 115#/80#
7 pull ups
400 m run
Scaling Option B
30 squats
Warm up: 250 m row; 2x 1 min jumprope, 10 kb sdhp, 5 squat jumps; foam roll, leg sweeps, high kicks
Skill Focus: 1000 m row for time
Rest 5-7 min
WODS: 2 amraps – 6 mins ea w/ 3 min btwn
Skill Focus: 1000 m row for time
Rest 5-7 min
WODS: 2 amraps – 6 mins ea w/ 3 min btwn
Warm up: 200 m shuttle run, 10 pass thrus, 10 windmills,; 2x mb clean shrugs x 5, mb high pulls x 5, db snatch x 5 ea, 5 ring rows
Skill Focus: work on your bodyweight weakness
Skill Focus: work on your bodyweight weakness
Warm up: 400 m run, 10 pass thrus 10 windmills; 2x 10 s hs hold, 5 scapular pull ups, 3 strict pull ups, 8 lunges w/ arm raises, 8 inchworm push ups, 5 dips
Skill Focus: Pull Up
Level 3/2 weighted pull-ups 3. 3. 3
Skill Focus: Pull Up
Level 3/2 weighted pull-ups 3. 3. 3
Warm up: 400 m run; 2 x 10 split jumps, 3 hs wall walks, 10 slams
Mobility: wrists, hips & shoulders
Skill Focus: 1Thruster
Warm up as needed and find your. . .
1 rm thruster
Mobility: wrists, hips & shoulders
Skill Focus: 1Thruster
Warm up as needed and find your. . .
1 rm thruster
Warm up: Drills on the turf; 2x 8 scapular pull ups, 8 mb push ups, 8 mb cleans
Mobility: Worlds Gretest Stretch
Skill Focus:
Level 3/2
1 rm Squat clean
Level 1
3 rm power clean
Mobility: Worlds Gretest Stretch
Skill Focus:
Level 3/2
1 rm Squat clean
Level 1
3 rm power clean
30 db walking lunges (tot))
60 yd shuttle sprint
20 db bench press
60 yd shuttle sprint
40 sit ups (hands behind head)
60 yd shuttle sprint
20 db bo rows
60 yd shuttle sprint
AMRAP in 30 min
2 min rest btwn rds
60 yd shuttle sprint
20 db bench press
60 yd shuttle sprint
40 sit ups (hands behind head)
60 yd shuttle sprint
20 db bo rows
60 yd shuttle sprint
AMRAP in 30 min
2 min rest btwn rds
Warm up: 400 m run/row, pass thrus & windmills; 3 x 10 pvc ohs, 10 hollow rocks, 10 scorpians, 10 iron crosses, 10 ball slams, 10 push ups, 10 db push presses (light)
Warm up: 300 m row; 2x 10 squats, 10 spiderman lunges, 10 plated good mornings (light), 10 back ext, 8 ring rows
Skill Focus: Deadlift
Warm up to working weight
The goal is to get 50 reps or as close to as possible with good form in a short
Skill Focus: Deadlift
Warm up to working weight
The goal is to get 50 reps or as close to as possible with good form in a short