Paula Jager
Wednesday, December 4, 2013 - 15:11
Warm up:  get the heart rate going and burpees "CFFB" style

Skill/focus:  Plyometric warm up, focus on dorsiflexed feet, punch n hammer with hands and elbows @90% elbow

Levels 2 & 3
6 x 200 m sprints (rest is walk back—you MUST walk)

Level 1
4 x 200 m sprints (rest is walk back)
for time

In 10 minutes
Levels 2 & 3
Odd:  1 rev wall walk up + 10 hr push ups
Even:  10 pistols (5R, 5L)

Level 1
Odd:  1 rev wall walk up + 5 hr push ups
Even:  10 mod pistols (5R, 5L)

Post 200 total time for 4 or 6 and # rds completed.  If you get the round down within the minute
it counts, if you don’t it doesn’t

