Warm Up: 10 PVC pass-throughs, 10 overhead walking lunges w/PVC, bear crawl, 10 overhead squats w/PVC, speed ladder, 100-meter run
Skill: review movements for WOD
WOD: Count Down
5 min of: rowing
Skill: review movements for WOD
WOD: Count Down
5 min of: rowing
Warm up: 400 m run; 2x 5 chin ups, 10 mtn clmbrs, 15 wall balls, 10 light/pvc good mornings, 25 high knees
Mobility: wrists/shoulders
Skill Focus: Power Clean to Oh: review of form/technique and variations
Take 15 min to. . .
Mobility: wrists/shoulders
Skill Focus: Power Clean to Oh: review of form/technique and variations
Take 15 min to. . .
Warm Up: Tabata mash up of: Burpee, push-ups, sit-ups, handstand hold
Skill: ring dips
WOD: 14.1 CF Kids Style
10 min AMRAP
30 double unders or single unders
15 power snatches
Skill: ring dips
WOD: 14.1 CF Kids Style
10 min AMRAP
30 double unders or single unders
15 power snatches
Warm up: 250 row, 10 pass thrus, 10 windmills, 2x 10 db snatches, 10 goblet squat, 10 jump squats, 5 pull ups/ring rows
Skill Focus: DB OHS & DB Snatch
Review form and mod’s for Levels 1 & 2
A few warm up sets and then. . .
Skill Focus: DB OHS & DB Snatch
Review form and mod’s for Levels 1 & 2
A few warm up sets and then. . .
Warm up: 400 m oh run; every 100 m 10 lunges per leg and 10 triceps push
ups 25#/15#
3 Teams
Tabata mash up: 40 s work/20 s rest
Alternating movements for a total of 8 min at ea station
Truck push/squat thrusts
ups 25#/15#
3 Teams
Tabata mash up: 40 s work/20 s rest
Alternating movements for a total of 8 min at ea station
Truck push/squat thrusts
Warm Up: 2 min jumprope, mobility, 3 x 10 ball slams, 10 db snatches, 10 mtn clmbrs
Mobility: Foam rolling (legs, posterior chain, open shoulders), glute bridges, downward dog variations
Mobility: Foam rolling (legs, posterior chain, open shoulders), glute bridges, downward dog variations
Warm up: 400 m row/run, 10 pass thrus, 10 windmills; 4x 10 sit ups, 10 lunges, 20 singles
Skill Focus: Foam rolling
Calves, quads and psoas spend 1-2 min on each position
Sprints 3 x 100, 2 x 200, 1 x 400 rest is the walk back
Skill Focus: Foam rolling
Calves, quads and psoas spend 1-2 min on each position
Sprints 3 x 100, 2 x 200, 1 x 400 rest is the walk back
Warm up: 300 m row/run, 10 pass thrus, 10 windmills; 2x 10 s hs hold, 10 ohs w/ pvc or light bar, 10 db snatches, 5 db presses
Mobility: Burgener warm up
Skill Focus: Power Snatch + OHS
A few warm ups and then. . .
Mobility: Burgener warm up
Skill Focus: Power Snatch + OHS
A few warm ups and then. . .
Warm Up: 25 jumping jacks, log rolls, 5 push-ups, basic dot drill x 10, 100-meter
Skill Focus: front squats
WOD: 10:00 AMRAP of:
5 front squats
10 jump-over burpees
150-meter run
Skill Focus: front squats
WOD: 10:00 AMRAP of:
5 front squats
10 jump-over burpees
150-meter run
Warm up: Row 300 m; 2 x 12 jump squats, hs kick ups (alt legs), 1 x 12 leg swings for/back, lateral
Mobility: shoulders/hips
Skill Focus: Back Squat
Warm up and build to. . . 80%
5 x 3 back squats @ 80% of your new 1 rm
Mobility: shoulders/hips
Skill Focus: Back Squat
Warm up and build to. . . 80%
5 x 3 back squats @ 80% of your new 1 rm