Warm up: 3x 2 minute Tabatas -- kids choose 3 different movements. . .
Skill: review WOD movements
WOD: 3 minutes at each station 2 mins rest between stations
Station 1: Wheelbarrows around cones
Skill: review WOD movements
WOD: 3 minutes at each station 2 mins rest between stations
Station 1: Wheelbarrows around cones
Warm Up: run/row 400m/500m, 10 squats, 10 split jumps, 10 kb swings or 1 arm snatch, 15 s kb squat hold
Mobility: on turf w/ foam roller. . . quads, lats, shoulders, hips
Skill Focus: Clean & Jerk
Mobility: on turf w/ foam roller. . . quads, lats, shoulders, hips
Skill Focus: Clean & Jerk
Warm Up: 3 mins of du's or singles, *3 burpees when you miss or need a rest
Skill Focus: Snatch Balance
Go through Burgener Skill Transfer exercises with a pvc or light bar
Skill Focus: Snatch Balance
Go through Burgener Skill Transfer exercises with a pvc or light bar
Warm Up: 400 m run/row; 2 rd of 10 scapular pull ups, 30 s ha hold, 10 push ups, 10 ring rows, 10 banded pull aparts
Skill Focus: Handstand Skill Work
Skill Focus: Handstand Skill Work
Warm up: 15 yard crab walk, 5 inchworm, 5 jumping squats, 15 yard log roll, 5 jumping jacks, 5 tuck jumps
Skill: Clean & Jerk, Pull Ups
5:00-8:00 AMRAP of
3 pull ups
6 burpees
Skill: Clean & Jerk, Pull Ups
5:00-8:00 AMRAP of
3 pull ups
6 burpees
Warm Up: 2 rds of 30 du's, 15 pvc good mornings, 15 pvc back squats, 5 push ups
Skill Focus: Clean complex -- high hang, hang & clean
Warm up & review of movements
Skill Focus: Clean complex -- high hang, hang & clean
Warm up & review of movements
Warm Up: 400 m run/row; 10 spiderman lunges, 10 jump lunges, 10 inchworms w/ push up, on the turf knee grabs to chest, high knees, ankle overs, 10 straight leg toe touches, 10 fire hydrants, 10 hip circles, 10 kickbacks
Warm up: Simon Says
Skill: review all movements in wod
5 wall walks
200 m run
10 plank shoulder taps
200m run
15 get-ups
200m run
20 toes to bar or v ups
Skill: review all movements in wod
5 wall walks
200 m run
10 plank shoulder taps
200m run
15 get-ups
200m run
20 toes to bar or v ups
Teams of 2, working 1:1 except for the runs, which are done together
10 wall walks (no push-up)
200m run
20 Renegade rows (AHAP)
200m run
30 MB get-ups
200m run
40 toes to bar (scale to v-ups)
200m run
10 wall walks (no push-up)
200m run
20 Renegade rows (AHAP)
200m run
30 MB get-ups
200m run
40 toes to bar (scale to v-ups)
200m run
Warm Up: 2x: 200 m run; 10 MB cleans, 10 inchworms, 10 hip swings (back/front and side to side), 20 second ankel flexion against the wall or rig