A) CF S wod
B) Crossfit Metcon
C) 10min emom of 2-3 muscle ups. If no muscle ups do max effort attempts. If not even close, double reps, and do supine ring rows.
B) Crossfit Metcon
C) 10min emom of 2-3 muscle ups. If no muscle ups do max effort attempts. If not even close, double reps, and do supine ring rows.
Warm Up: 2 rounds of 1 minute of jump ropes, 10 air squats, 10 ring rows and 10 push ups
Skill Focus:
EMOM 10 minutes
6 Pistols (3 each leg)
Scaling options
1) Dumbbell/kettlebell/bumper-plate weighted pistols
Skill Focus:
EMOM 10 minutes
6 Pistols (3 each leg)
Scaling options
1) Dumbbell/kettlebell/bumper-plate weighted pistols
A) Power Clean + FS + Clean; warm up, then 5 heavy sets (make it uncomfortable, you don’t get stronger in your comfort zone)
B) CF Metcon
B) CF Metcon
Warm-Up: 5 squats, 15yd log roll, 10yard bear crawl, 20 sec bar hang, 25-yard high-knee skip, 25-yard sprint
Focus: Pull-up – focus on superman to hollow rock
Focus: Pull-up – focus on superman to hollow rock
Warm Up: 400 m run; 3 x 10 pause squats, 10 hrpu, 10 scap pull ups
Skill Focus: Front Squat
Warm up and build to. . .
3 front squats @80%
E2MOM 12 minutes
10 minute AMRAP
Skill Focus: Front Squat
Warm up and build to. . .
3 front squats @80%
E2MOM 12 minutes
10 minute AMRAP
A) Power Snatch + Snatch; 5 sets @ 85-90% of your 1rm PS
B) CF Metcon
C) 150’ hs walk (down the turf, and back) (or accumulate 3min hs hold)
B) CF Metcon
C) 150’ hs walk (down the turf, and back) (or accumulate 3min hs hold)
Teams of 2
10 minute AMRAP
Partner A- Pillar hold
Partner B- max wall balls 20/14
Rest 3 minutes
10 minute AMRAP
Score is total number of wall balls and burpees performed as a team
10 minute AMRAP
Partner A- Pillar hold
Partner B- max wall balls 20/14
Rest 3 minutes
10 minute AMRAP
Score is total number of wall balls and burpees performed as a team
Warm Up: quick stand- break into 2 teams- use 10lb plates to move across the turf. Athletes may only step on the plates. If they step on the turf the team must do 5 burpees to get back into the game.
Warm Up: 2x 100 m run, 20 db lunges, 10 db rdl, 10 hollow rocks, 10 back extensions
Skill Focus: Back Squat
Warm up and build to 80% and. . .
Back Squat
3 reps E2MOM 12 minutes @80%
Skill Focus: Back Squat
Warm up and build to 80% and. . .
Back Squat
3 reps E2MOM 12 minutes @80%