Semi-Pro WOD:
10 min to find 1 rm Power Clean
10 min to find 3 rm Strict Press
10 min to find 5 rm Back Squat
Rest 5 min (recovery and equipment set up)
The New 357 Magnum
10 min to find 1 rm Power Clean
10 min to find 3 rm Strict Press
10 min to find 5 rm Back Squat
Rest 5 min (recovery and equipment set up)
The New 357 Magnum
A) Strength-15 min time cap: Deadlift; 10 @50-52.5%, 8 @60-62.5%, 6 @70-72.5%, 4 @80-82.5%, 2 @90-92.5%.
A) Snatch; accumulate 10 reps @ 90%
B) CF Metcon
C) Deadlift; 10 @50-52.5%, 8 @60-62.5%, 6 @70-72.5%, 4 @80-82.5%, 2 @90-92.5%.
B) CF Metcon
C) Deadlift; 10 @50-52.5%, 8 @60-62.5%, 6 @70-72.5%, 4 @80-82.5%, 2 @90-92.5%.
A) Oly: Power Snatch; Find a 5RM touch and go power snatch
B) Metcon: 5 rounds for time:
10’ hand stand walk
3 rope climbs
10 GTO w/ KB (5ea arm, break up however you want, clean and jerk, or snatch...ground to overhead) (70/53)
B) Metcon: 5 rounds for time:
10’ hand stand walk
3 rope climbs
10 GTO w/ KB (5ea arm, break up however you want, clean and jerk, or snatch...ground to overhead) (70/53)
Warm Up: Tabata 4min of Hollow rocks
Skill: front squats
3x 3 min AMRAPs
2min rest between.
20 double unders, jump rope, attempts of DU or JR, tuck jumps (depends on ability)
Skill: front squats
3x 3 min AMRAPs
2min rest between.
20 double unders, jump rope, attempts of DU or JR, tuck jumps (depends on ability)
A) Tabata 4min: Perfect Hollow body hold
B) Strength: 2RM Front Squat
C) Metcon: 3 x 3min AMRAPs*, 2min rest between.
40 double unders
B) Strength: 2RM Front Squat
C) Metcon: 3 x 3min AMRAPs*, 2min rest between.
40 double unders
B) CF Metcon
C) Hand stand walking; work on turning around, and going over objects. Have fun, and increase body control all at the same time.
B) CF Metcon
C) Hand stand walking; work on turning around, and going over objects. Have fun, and increase body control all at the same time.
A) Oly: Power Clean; 12min E2MOM; 2 @ 85-90% of 1rm. (does not have to be touch and go)
B) Metcon: 10min running clock: 15-12-9-6-3 Power cleans (135/95) / toes to bar, max reps shoulder to overhead in any remaining time.
B) Metcon: 10min running clock: 15-12-9-6-3 Power cleans (135/95) / toes to bar, max reps shoulder to overhead in any remaining time.