A) Oly: Snatch complex; (Snatch, OHS, hang snatch, OHS) 20 min to find your heaviest complex
B) Metcon: 15min, every 90 seconds (10rds); 3 power snatch (140/95), 30 double unders
B) Metcon: 15min, every 90 seconds (10rds); 3 power snatch (140/95), 30 double unders
B) CF Metcon
C) 5x max reps HS Push ups on parallettes, if less than 4 per attempt, scale as appropriate.
B) CF Metcon
C) 5x max reps HS Push ups on parallettes, if less than 4 per attempt, scale as appropriate.
A) Metcon: 10min time cap “Fran” 21-15-9 Thrusters 95/65, pull ups
B) Strength: Deadlift ladder; 10@ 52.5-55%, 8@ 62.5-65%, 6@ 72.5-75%, 4@ 82.5-85%,
2@ 92.5-95%, if it feels good, go for 1@ 102.5% to 105%
B) Strength: Deadlift ladder; 10@ 52.5-55%, 8@ 62.5-65%, 6@ 72.5-75%, 4@ 82.5-85%,
2@ 92.5-95%, if it feels good, go for 1@ 102.5% to 105%
B) CF Metcon
C) Single leg box jump work, 5 x 5 each leg at highest box you can jump to.
Step down, no bounding.
B) CF Metcon
C) Single leg box jump work, 5 x 5 each leg at highest box you can jump to.
Step down, no bounding.
Warm-Up: 400m class run, running warm up drills, 3 x 200-meter runs
Skill: Thruster – focus on maintaining efficient rack position throughout movement
Skill: Thruster – focus on maintaining efficient rack position throughout movement
Teams of 2 or 3, one works at a time
4 x 6min amraps, 2min rest / transition
Station one:
3 strict pull ups
A) Strength: 10min E2MOM Back Squat , 3 @ 85% of 1rm back squat
B) Metcon: For time: 800m run, 15 muscle ups, 30 toes to bar, 800m run
B) Metcon: For time: 800m run, 15 muscle ups, 30 toes to bar, 800m run
B) CF Metcon
C) Take 10 min to work on cycling pistols quickly. Do not grab your foot, or use any other balancing object, work on dropping and standing on one leg quickly.
B) CF Metcon
C) Take 10 min to work on cycling pistols quickly. Do not grab your foot, or use any other balancing object, work on dropping and standing on one leg quickly.