Skill: 1 High Hang Power Snatch + 1 High Hang Snatch @75-80% of 1RM Snatch
10 min EMOM
OHS 95#/65#
200m run after each round
Score: snatch complex weight/time
10 min EMOM
OHS 95#/65#
200m run after each round
Score: snatch complex weight/time
A) Back Squat; 1RM, then 2 sets of 5 @ 80%
B) CF Metcon
C) 3 sets of 10; db strict press. If you got all 30 reps last week go up 5#, if not, repeat at the same weight last week, try to make all 10 reps each set.
B) CF Metcon
C) 3 sets of 10; db strict press. If you got all 30 reps last week go up 5#, if not, repeat at the same weight last week, try to make all 10 reps each set.
Warm Up: 3 rounds of 200m run, 10 squats, 10 push ups, 10 toe touches, 10 lunges
Skill: Deadlift 5x3
Overhead Squats/Squat
200m run after each round
Skill: Deadlift 5x3
Overhead Squats/Squat
200m run after each round
A) Snatch; Build up to 90%, then 2 drop sets of 2 @ 20lbs down (no touch and go), add 5# to both from last week.
B) CF Metcon
C) 21-15-9; calorie row, GHD sit ups (for time)
B) CF Metcon
C) 21-15-9; calorie row, GHD sit ups (for time)
A) CF Metcon
B) Spend 7-10min working on HS walking. If you are proficient in walking (15- 20’ unbroken) work on side to side, and backward movement, with a goal of body control.
B) Spend 7-10min working on HS walking. If you are proficient in walking (15- 20’ unbroken) work on side to side, and backward movement, with a goal of body control.
Skill/Strength: find partner, review WOD movements and setup for WOD
Partner WOD - Alternating Between Rounds
10 Total Rounds (5 Each)
3 Bar Muscle Up
Partner WOD - Alternating Between Rounds
10 Total Rounds (5 Each)
3 Bar Muscle Up
Teams of 2
200 m ball run 20#/14#
100 wall balls
400 m ball run
Deadlift 5x2 @90%
8 mins to warm up to working weight
18 min to finish 5x2
10 KB Russian Twists 53#/35# (KB must touch the ground each rep)
10 total Pistols
5 min AMRAP
Deadlift 5x2 @90%
8 mins to warm up to working weight
18 min to finish 5x2
10 KB Russian Twists 53#/35# (KB must touch the ground each rep)
10 total Pistols
5 min AMRAP
A) Snatch; Build up to 90%, then 2 drop sets of 2 @ 20lbs down (no touch and go)
B) CF Metcon
C) Front Squat; 4 sets of 2 @80% plus 10#
B) CF Metcon
C) Front Squat; 4 sets of 2 @80% plus 10#