

Paula Jager
8 years ago
Done like the song, 1,2,1,3,2,1,4,3,2,1 etc.

1 – Clean & Jerk (135/95)

2 – Front Squats (135/95)

3 – Deadlifts (135/95)

4 – Bar Facing Burpees

5 – T2B

6 – Box Jumps (24/20)

7 – Pull Ups
Paula Jager
8 years ago
A) CF Metcon

B) WOW day; work on a Gymnastics weakness.
Paula Jager
8 years ago
A) Strength: Build to a heavy 3 deadlift

B) Metcon: EMOM 15min

Min 1 - 10 ball slams (ahap)

Min 2 - 10 mb oh lunge (alternating)

Min 3 - 30 double unders (max reps on last round)
Paula Jager
8 years ago

12 Days of Christmas Eve (Eve Eve)

Done like 12 days of Christmas song.

1(00) meter run

2 DB Renegade Row 35-45/15-25

3 DB Power Clean (same weight)

4 KB Goblet Squats 35/25
Paula Jager
8 years ago
A) Find a heavy single Snatch

B) CF Metcon

C) Pull a heavy 3 deadlift
Paula Jager
8 years ago
A) Strength: Strict pull ups

4 x max reps, (but) must accumulate at least 40 reps, additional sets, or scale with bands as needed. Lightest band possible to get 10 reps / set chin over bar each attempt.

B) Metcon 1)

Partner A) 250m Row
Paula Jager
8 years ago
Skill: Bench Press

Take 15- 20 min to find today’s heavy double

WOD: 8 min AMRAP

20 Russian Twists (choose a weight that can be done for both movements)

10 OH Walking Lunges (ARMS LOCKED OUT!)
Paula Jager
8 years ago


Paula Jager
8 years ago
Skill: E90sec for 7 rounds

Back Squat – 2 reps @ 70-75% of 1 rm

WOD: EMOM for 4 rounds

Min 1: 10 DB Front Squats (2 dumbbells)

Min 2: 10 Renegade Row (same weight)

Min 3: 2 Wall Walks

Min 4: Rest
Paula Jager
8 years ago
A) Oly: E90sec x 7rds; Power Clean; 85% plus 5 to 10# if you made all rounds last week.

B) Metcon: Partner, I go you go, A does s2o, B does s2o, A does BJ (lol), B does BJ etc.

5 S2O (135/95)

5 Box Jump (30/24)

1 Rope Climb