Skill: Teams of 2/3
Max distance row in 9 mins
*Goal is 2000m or more*
WOD: 10 rounds of
:30 on/ :30 off
Max burpees
Immediately after last rest period, 800m run for time.
Max distance row in 9 mins
*Goal is 2000m or more*
WOD: 10 rounds of
:30 on/ :30 off
Max burpees
Immediately after last rest period, 800m run for time.
A) Clean + 2 Jerks; find heaviest for the day
B) CF Metcon
C) 3rds for time; 5 HPC (135/95), 10 box jump over (24/20)
B) CF Metcon
C) 3rds for time; 5 HPC (135/95), 10 box jump over (24/20)
Skill: Bench Press 2RM
WOD: For Time
5 sets of 15-20 UNBROKEN wallballs
*rest as needed between each set to ensure unbroken sets*
Score is Bench 2RM/time
WOD: For Time
5 sets of 15-20 UNBROKEN wallballs
*rest as needed between each set to ensure unbroken sets*
Score is Bench 2RM/time
3 min EMOM 15/12 cal row
rest / transition 2 min
3 min EMOM 12/8 cal AAB
rest/ transition 2 min
3 min EMOM 8-10 ring dips/ring push ups
WOD: Individual Event 5 2016
3 rft:
3 min EMOM 15/12 cal row
rest / transition 2 min
3 min EMOM 12/8 cal AAB
rest/ transition 2 min
3 min EMOM 8-10 ring dips/ring push ups
WOD: Individual Event 5 2016
3 rft:
B) CF Metcon
C) Mobility / Recovery (take 10-15min to mobilize your shoulders, and hamstrings)
B) CF Metcon
C) Mobility / Recovery (take 10-15min to mobilize your shoulders, and hamstrings)
Skill: Deadlift
Every :90 sec for 9 min (6 rounds)
6 reps @ 65-70%
WOD: 1 Round every 3 min for 15 min (5 rounds)
15/12 Calories on Bike or Rower
12 Hand release pushups (sub – pushups off a box)
Every :90 sec for 9 min (6 rounds)
6 reps @ 65-70%
WOD: 1 Round every 3 min for 15 min (5 rounds)
15/12 Calories on Bike or Rower
12 Hand release pushups (sub – pushups off a box)
Strength: Front Squat E2MOM 10 min
4-5 reps @ 70-75% + 5 lbs (check March 14th weight)
(Do 5 reps on the last round)
WOD: Team Event 4 2013
30 Wall Balls 20/14
4-5 reps @ 70-75% + 5 lbs (check March 14th weight)
(Do 5 reps on the last round)
WOD: Team Event 4 2013
30 Wall Balls 20/14
A) Find a heavy Front squat single
B) CF Metcon
C) 3 sets max reps strict pull ups, 3 sets max strict chin ups
B) CF Metcon
C) 3 sets max reps strict pull ups, 3 sets max strict chin ups
Teams of 2
60 Bar Facing Burpees
30 OH Squats 115/75
10 Ring Muscle-ups (C2B/ring dips Pull Ups/stationary dips Ring Rows/pushups)
Score: Total REPS
60 Bar Facing Burpees
30 OH Squats 115/75
10 Ring Muscle-ups (C2B/ring dips Pull Ups/stationary dips Ring Rows/pushups)
Score: Total REPS