In Teams of 2 with only 1 person working at a time
2 mins of turf shuttles in 25 yd increments
2 mins of balls slams
2 mins of tire flips
2 mins of burpees
2 mins of pull ups
Complete 3 sets for max reps
2 mins of turf shuttles in 25 yd increments
2 mins of balls slams
2 mins of tire flips
2 mins of burpees
2 mins of pull ups
Complete 3 sets for max reps
Skill Focus: Back Squat
Build to working weight. . .
Back squat 3 reps EMOM for 10 min @80% AFAP
3, 5 min amrap w/ 1 mi rest btwn
Level 3
5 strict hspu
7 strict t2b
9 Russian kb swings 70#/53#
Level 2
Build to working weight. . .
Back squat 3 reps EMOM for 10 min @80% AFAP
3, 5 min amrap w/ 1 mi rest btwn
Level 3
5 strict hspu
7 strict t2b
9 Russian kb swings 70#/53#
Level 2
Warm up: 100 singles, 10 pass thrus, 10 windmills; 2x 10 du's (or attempts), 8 db snatches, 10 push ups, 10 ring rows
Warm up: 400 m run, 10 pass thrus, 10 windmills; 2x 10 prisoner squats, 10 spiderman lunges, 10 single arm db/kb press(tot), 5 chin ups
Mobility: shoulder/front rack
Skill Focus: Front Squat
Warm up and build to a. . .
Mobility: shoulder/front rack
Skill Focus: Front Squat
Warm up and build to a. . .
Warm Up: 10 jumping jacks, 10 vertical jumps to target, crab walk, 10 lateral jump, 10 push-ups, 200-meter run
Rest 1:00
Rest 1:00
Warm up: 10 pass thrus, 10 windmills, run 400 m, 10 pvc/light good mornings, 10 ball shrugs, 10 walking toe touches, 10 alt straddle toe touch, 10 walk out (and all the bay back up) push ups
Mobility: Hamstrings/Glutes
Skill Focus: Deadlift
Mobility: Hamstrings/Glutes
Skill Focus: Deadlift
Warm up: 400 m run, 10 pass thrus, 10 windmills; 2x 10 squat jumps, 10 db presses, 10 push ups, 5 scapular pull ups
Mobility: shoulder / overhead
Skill Focus: C2B & Strict Pull Ups
String a few together and work on efficiency
Mobility: shoulder / overhead
Skill Focus: C2B & Strict Pull Ups
String a few together and work on efficiency
Warm Up: 1:00 in plank hold, 5 wall walk ups, bear crawl to pull up bars, 20 sec monkey hangs, 25-meter high-knee skip, 25-meter sprint
Skill Focus: Pull Ups and Thrusters
21-15-9 of:
Skill Focus: Pull Ups and Thrusters
21-15-9 of:
Girls vs Guys. . .
150 wall balls w/ teammate holding chin over bar (one resting)
100 swings 53#/35# with teammate holding plate oh 45#/25 (one resting)
75 sit ups with one teammate holding in hs hold (one resting)
150 wall balls w/ teammate holding chin over bar (one resting)
100 swings 53#/35# with teammate holding plate oh 45#/25 (one resting)
75 sit ups with one teammate holding in hs hold (one resting)