Warm Up: 4 rounds of: 10 jumping jacks, 10 jumping squats, 5 wall walk-ups,
5 tuck jumps, 25 yd high-knee skip, 25 yard backwards run
Skill Focus: rope climbs or down ups depending on level and wall balls focusing on control of the ball and catching the ball
50 yd run
25 tuck jumps
12 push ups
6 wall balls
3 up downs on rope
CF Kids Jaguar February's Jr Athlete of the Month: Mia C
CF Jaguar: Mia, tell us why you like CF Kids?Mia: "I like CrossFit with Coach Kate because it is a perfect mix of having fun and getting strong!"
CF Jaguar: Thank you Mia, we are glad you like it!
5 tuck jumps, 25 yd high-knee skip, 25 yard backwards run
Skill Focus: rope climbs or down ups depending on level and wall balls focusing on control of the ball and catching the ball
50 yd run
25 tuck jumps
12 push ups
6 wall balls
3 up downs on rope
CF Kids Jaguar February's Jr Athlete of the Month: Mia C
CF Jaguar: Mia, tell us why you like CF Kids?Mia: "I like CrossFit with Coach Kate because it is a perfect mix of having fun and getting strong!"
CF Jaguar: Thank you Mia, we are glad you like it!