A) Snatch; 3x1 @ 85%, 3x1 @90%, 3x1 @ 85%
B) CF Metcon
C) 3RFT; 3 rope climbs, 10 HSPU
B) CF Metcon
C) 3RFT; 3 rope climbs, 10 HSPU
25 min AMRAP. One die will be used. Like card game but with dice.
Exercises and reps are:
1 – 200m run
2 – Three Rope climbs (sub six ring rows)
3 – Bear Crawl (down and back)
4 – 10 KB swings 70-53
Exercises and reps are:
1 – 200m run
2 – Three Rope climbs (sub six ring rows)
3 – Bear Crawl (down and back)
4 – 10 KB swings 70-53
Warm up: Simon Says
Skill: review all movements in wod
5 wall walks
200 m run
10 plank shoulder taps
200m run
15 get-ups
200m run
20 toes to bar or v ups
200m run
Skill: review all movements in wod
5 wall walks
200 m run
10 plank shoulder taps
200m run
15 get-ups
200m run
20 toes to bar or v ups
200m run
A) CF Metcon
B) 3rnft; max distance HS Walk, max time hollow hold, max time superman hold
B) 3rnft; max distance HS Walk, max time hollow hold, max time superman hold
Skill: Snatch Complex – 5 x Power snatch, hang power snatch, hang snatch (with squat) , building with each set.
12 min EMOM
2-3 MU or attempts* (sub 3 C2B and 3 dips TOTAL – not for each MU - or 3 pull-ups and 3 dips)
12 min EMOM
2-3 MU or attempts* (sub 3 C2B and 3 dips TOTAL – not for each MU - or 3 pull-ups and 3 dips)
A) Complex; Snatch, Hang Snatch (with 2 second pause at low hang (above knee position on hang snatch only)
B) CF Metcon
C) 3rnft; 10 RDL, 12 Walking lunge (back rack) (155/115)
B) CF Metcon
C) 3rnft; 10 RDL, 12 Walking lunge (back rack) (155/115)
Warm up: 400 m run; dynamic running drills
1 mile run for time
10 mins rest
Burpee box jump over EMOM till last person standing:
Min 1 – 1 BBJU 24/20
Min 2 – 2 BBJU
1 mile run for time
10 mins rest
Burpee box jump over EMOM till last person standing:
Min 1 – 1 BBJU 24/20
Min 2 – 2 BBJU
Warm up: 400 m row/run; 2 x 5 front squats, 5 db press, 5 pole squats
Skill/focus: Front Squat
Warm up to 60%
Front Squat
3 sets of 6-8 reps at 30X1 tempo starting at 60% of 1RM.
Skill/focus: Front Squat
Warm up to 60%
Front Squat
3 sets of 6-8 reps at 30X1 tempo starting at 60% of 1RM.