10 rounds
30 seconds max double unders
30 seconds rest
EMOM 28 minutes
Min 1: 10 T2B
Min 2: 10 Goblet squats 53/35
Min 3: 10 Wall balls 20/14
10 rounds
30 seconds max double unders
30 seconds rest
EMOM 28 minutes
Min 1: 10 T2B
Min 2: 10 Goblet squats 53/35
Min 3: 10 Wall balls 20/14
-Dead Hang holds
-Handstand holds
-Wall sit holds
In teams of 2
15 minute AMRAP
2 Rope Climbs
6 Deadlift 275/185
-Dead Hang holds
-Handstand holds
-Wall sit holds
In teams of 2
15 minute AMRAP
2 Rope Climbs
6 Deadlift 275/185
A) Power Snatch + High hang snatch (vertical chest, leg drive only) 6 sets @ 70% of Full Snatch 1RM +10lbs
B) CF Metcon
C) Not for time: 30 toes to bar, then 30 pistols
B) CF Metcon
C) Not for time: 30 toes to bar, then 30 pistols
Power Clean + Push Jerk + Split Jerk
E2MOM 14 minutes
Set 1-3 @70%
Set 4-5 @75%
Set 6-7 @80%
*Percentage based on 1RM C&J
400m run
Power Clean + Push Jerk + Split Jerk
E2MOM 14 minutes
Set 1-3 @70%
Set 4-5 @75%
Set 6-7 @80%
*Percentage based on 1RM C&J
400m run
A) Halt Clean (pause at knee for 3 seconds) 7 reps @ 70% Plus 5#. While paused, note your position. Shins should be vertical, shoulders in front of the bar, hamstrings are tight, and lats are engaged.
Strength/Skill: In 15 minutes, establish a max 30 sec pillar (elbows) hold for weight
WOD: 7 minute AMRAP
7 C2B pullups
7 Burpees
Rest 2 minute
5 minute AMRAP
6 Dips
9 Box jumps 24”/20”
WOD: 7 minute AMRAP
7 C2B pullups
7 Burpees
Rest 2 minute
5 minute AMRAP
6 Dips
9 Box jumps 24”/20”
In teams of 2
For time
50 Power cleans 135/95
400m Run
40 Front squats
400m Run
30 S2O
400m Run
Time cap: 30 minutes
* Partner work/rest 1:1
For time
50 Power cleans 135/95
400m Run
40 Front squats
400m Run
30 S2O
400m Run
Time cap: 30 minutes
* Partner work/rest 1:1
A) CF Metcon; grab a teammate, and call out another team. Try to get some competition going.
B) Gymnastics Complex, 1 toes to bar, 1 bar muscle up 5min AMRAP, must hit both movements for it to count.
B) Gymnastics Complex, 1 toes to bar, 1 bar muscle up 5min AMRAP, must hit both movements for it to count.