A) CF Metcon
B) 3min AMRAP of thrusters @ 135/95, then 2min AMRAP of thrusters at 95/65, the 2 sets of max pull ups in 90sec.
B) 3min AMRAP of thrusters @ 135/95, then 2min AMRAP of thrusters at 95/65, the 2 sets of max pull ups in 90sec.
Front Squat 4, 4, 4, 4 take 15 minutes to build to your heaviest set of 4
AMRAP in 16 minutes
1 plate push
A) Complex; High Hang Snatch, Snatch, OHS – find heaviest of the day
B) CF Metcon
C) Annie; 50 – 40 – 30 – 20 -10 Double unders / Sit ups
B) CF Metcon
C) Annie; 50 – 40 – 30 – 20 -10 Double unders / Sit ups
Warm Up: 3 Rounds of 10 broad jumps, 10 inch worms, 20 second monkey hang
Skill: Ring Work: dips, pull ups, holds
Skill: Ring Work: dips, pull ups, holds
Snatch Complex: 3 power snatches + 3 snatch pulls + 3 power snatches = 1 round, 5 rounds working up to the heaviest set possible
Snatch Complex: 3 power snatches + 3 snatch pulls + 3 power snatches = 1 round, 5 rounds working up to the heaviest set possible
Strict dips (parallel bar)*
4 sets x max reps; rest 2 minutes btwn sets
*If you can do more than 15 dips use 25#/10#
**Scale is bands or boxes
Not a superset, move on to press after dips
Strict dips (parallel bar)*
4 sets x max reps; rest 2 minutes btwn sets
*If you can do more than 15 dips use 25#/10#
**Scale is bands or boxes
Not a superset, move on to press after dips
A) Muscle ups – 4 sets of max reps, 12 rep minimum. 4 sets strict HSPU between attempts, 15 rep minimum
B) CF Metcon
C) 4 sets of 5 weighted dips (heavy as possible)
B) CF Metcon
C) 4 sets of 5 weighted dips (heavy as possible)
Warm Up:
200m row
30 jumping jacks
20 second plank
10 squats
3 rounds
Skill: Hang Power Clean
1 minute DB Push Press
30 seconds rest
200m row
30 jumping jacks
20 second plank
10 squats
3 rounds
Skill: Hang Power Clean
1 minute DB Push Press
30 seconds rest