Skill: Handstand Practice
Progressions: headstand wall walk up wall kick up free standing handstand walk
12 – 15 minutes
800 m run
Rest 3 minutes
400 m run
Rest 3 minutes
Progressions: headstand wall walk up wall kick up free standing handstand walk
12 – 15 minutes
800 m run
Rest 3 minutes
400 m run
Rest 3 minutes
A) 10min EMOM, even 4 muscle ups (ring or bar), odd max strict HSPU
B) CF Metcon
C) 200 double unders for time
B) CF Metcon
C) 200 double unders for time
Skill: Rope Climb Practice
3 rounds
10 rings rows
10 wall balls
10 box jumps
Rest 2 minutes
3 rounds
10 Push Press
30 jump ropes
3 rounds
10 rings rows
10 wall balls
10 box jumps
Rest 2 minutes
3 rounds
10 Push Press
30 jump ropes
Strength: Back Squat (warm ups are included)
Touch on empty bar…
Rest 1 minute
Rest 90 seconds
Rest 2 minutes
3 x 1 @90%
Rest 2 – 2.5 minutes btwn
Touch on empty bar…
Rest 1 minute
Rest 90 seconds
Rest 2 minutes
3 x 1 @90%
Rest 2 – 2.5 minutes btwn
Skill: Strict Press 1 rm (take 20-25 min)
8 DB Shoulder to Overhead 50% of today’s 1rm split in half (i.e. 100 SP 1rm, 25 lb in each hand)
8 DB Bent Over Row (same weight)
8 DB Front Rack Squats (same weight)
8 DB Shoulder to Overhead 50% of today’s 1rm split in half (i.e. 100 SP 1rm, 25 lb in each hand)
8 DB Bent Over Row (same weight)
8 DB Front Rack Squats (same weight)
A) Back Squat; 4 sets of 2 @ (90% of 1RM)
B) 10min AMRAP
4 hang power clean (135/95)
6 front rack lunges (alternating)
8 Toes to bar
B) 10min AMRAP
4 hang power clean (135/95)
6 front rack lunges (alternating)
8 Toes to bar
Patrick Daniel Tillman (11/6/76 – 4/22/04) was a professional football player who left the NFL
and enlisted in the United States Army in May 2002. He joined the Army Rangers and served
and enlisted in the United States Army in May 2002. He joined the Army Rangers and served
A) CF Metcon “or”
B) Alternate wod:
Masters 2016 regionals qualifier Event 1
21-15- 9 Row for Calories / Thrusters (95/65)
Rest 10min then:
Masters Event 3
15min AMRAP
B) Alternate wod:
Masters 2016 regionals qualifier Event 1
21-15- 9 Row for Calories / Thrusters (95/65)
Rest 10min then:
Masters Event 3
15min AMRAP
Oly: 1 Power Clean + 1 Hang Power Clean
Take 15 – 18 min to build to your heaviest complex
6 RKBS 70#/53#
6 push press 155#/105
6 lateral bar over burpees
Complete 3 cycles of AMRAP in 4 minutes
Take 15 – 18 min to build to your heaviest complex
6 RKBS 70#/53#
6 push press 155#/105
6 lateral bar over burpees
Complete 3 cycles of AMRAP in 4 minutes