Workout of the day - Wednesday, August 10, 2016
Warm Up: 3 Rounds
20 secs Squats
20 secs Jumping Jacks
20 secs Sit Ups
Skill: Plank Holds
AMRAP 5 minutes
Warm Up: 3 Rounds
20 secs Squats
20 secs Jumping Jacks
20 secs Sit Ups
Skill: Plank Holds
AMRAP 5 minutes
Skill: Turkish Get Up – Take 15 min to work up to your heaviest 2 on each arm. (Doesn’t have to be the same weight on L/R)
3 MB Get Ups AHAP
6 Ball Slams
9 Russian KB Swings 53/35
3 MB Get Ups AHAP
6 Ball Slams
9 Russian KB Swings 53/35
Strength: Back Squat
4x7 @65-68% of 1RM Back Squat
AMRAP 8 mins
6 Deadlift @60-65%
9 Push Ups sub bands, no boxes unless room is an issue
18 Mountain Climbers
Rest 2 mins
AMRAP 4 mins
4x7 @65-68% of 1RM Back Squat
AMRAP 8 mins
6 Deadlift @60-65%
9 Push Ups sub bands, no boxes unless room is an issue
18 Mountain Climbers
Rest 2 mins
AMRAP 4 mins
A) CF S Wod (all rounds at 80 to 85%, do 3 reps per round if it feels good.)
B) CF Metcon
C) Mobilize, work on a weakness, or learn a new skill. (play, and have fun!)
B) CF Metcon
C) Mobilize, work on a weakness, or learn a new skill. (play, and have fun!)
Skill: 5 Rounds Super Set of
12 DB (each hand) Bent Over Rows
6 DB Strict Press
Rest 1.5 mins between
12 min E90secMOM with 30 seconds of
rest (technically E2MOM)
12 DB (each hand) Bent Over Rows
6 DB Strict Press
Rest 1.5 mins between
12 min E90secMOM with 30 seconds of
rest (technically E2MOM)
Skill: Power Clean
2 Power Cleans* E90Sec for 5 rounds (Not necessary to TNG, but should not take long for reset)
Start no lighter than 65% and don’t go heavier than 85%
WOD: 12 min Partner* AMRAP 1:1
10 DL 225/155
2 Power Cleans* E90Sec for 5 rounds (Not necessary to TNG, but should not take long for reset)
Start no lighter than 65% and don’t go heavier than 85%
WOD: 12 min Partner* AMRAP 1:1
10 DL 225/155
Tabata 1: Max distance HS walk*
Rest 90 sec
Tabata 2: Max hollow Rocks
WOD: For time
100 Double Unders
400 m Run
75 Double Unders
200 m Run
50 Double Unders
Tabata 1: Max distance HS walk*
Rest 90 sec
Tabata 2: Max hollow Rocks
WOD: For time
100 Double Unders
400 m Run
75 Double Unders
200 m Run
50 Double Unders
A) 3rds for time; 12 russian kb swing, 8 burpee over box (24/20), 2 rope climbs
B) CF Metcon
C) 3rds not for time; 25’ hs walk, 6 candlestick to pistol (alternating), 4 muscle ups
B) CF Metcon
C) 3rds not for time; 25’ hs walk, 6 candlestick to pistol (alternating), 4 muscle ups
Workout of the day - Monday, August 8, 2016
Warm Up: 3 Rounds of
20 sec Squats