Levels 2 & 3
25 pull ups
50 tire flips
50 push ups
50 box jumps 24”/20”
50 bb wipers or evil wheels
50 single arm clean and press 35#/25#
25 chin ups
Level 1
15-25 pull ups
35-50 tire flips
25 pull ups
50 tire flips
50 push ups
50 box jumps 24”/20”
50 bb wipers or evil wheels
50 single arm clean and press 35#/25#
25 chin ups
Level 1
15-25 pull ups
35-50 tire flips
Warm up: 300 m row; 10 pvc pass thrus, windmills, good mornings, ohs, thrusters; 2 x 5 burpees, 5 scapular push ups, 10 ball slams, 7 wall balls
Mobility: squat holds, down dogs, hanging from bar
Mobility: squat holds, down dogs, hanging from bar
Warm up: 400 m run; 2 x 20 fr db lunges, 8 bo rows, 8 dips, 25 mtn clmbrs
Skill Focus: Trunk Strength & Double Unders
2-3 RNFT
12 vups
40-50 du’s (1/2# failed attempts)
45 s hs hold (modify as needed)
Skill Focus: Trunk Strength & Double Unders
2-3 RNFT
12 vups
40-50 du’s (1/2# failed attempts)
45 s hs hold (modify as needed)
Warm up: 2x 200 m run, 10 squat jumps, 8 push ups, 10 good mornings, 5 jumping pull ups
Mobility/Stability: 4x: superman hold 15 s/rest 15 s/ironman hold 15 s/rest 15 s
Skill Focus: Bar & Ring Work
Mobility/Stability: 4x: superman hold 15 s/rest 15 s/ironman hold 15 s/rest 15 s
Skill Focus: Bar & Ring Work
Warm Up: 200-meter run, 10 squats, 10 mountain, climbers, 10 vertical jumps, 10
Skill Focus: Review power cleans from Monday
8:00 AMRAP
50-meter run
10 front squats
10 box jumps
Skill Focus: Review power cleans from Monday
8:00 AMRAP
50-meter run
10 front squats
10 box jumps
Warm up: 2 min jump rope/du work; 10 ball slams, 10 ball cleans, 10 ring rows; 1 min hs turf walks, kick ups or 1 leg drops
Mobility: shoulders, hamstrings, wrists
Skill Focus: Power Clean to Overhead
Warm up to working weight. . .
Mobility: shoulders, hamstrings, wrists
Skill Focus: Power Clean to Overhead
Warm up to working weight. . .
Warm up: 2 x 200 m run, 10 prisoner squats, 8 spiderman crawls, 10 swings, 4 inchworms (arms only) nose to floor
Mobility: front rack, banded/bar
Skill Focus: Front Squat
A few sets to warm up. . .
Mobility: front rack, banded/bar
Skill Focus: Front Squat
A few sets to warm up. . .
Warm Up: 10 PVC pass-throughs, 5 squats, 5 push-ups, broad jump, forward roll,
broad jump, 10-second bar hang, 100-meter run
Skill Focus: Power Cleans
12 min AMRAP
300m Row
broad jump, 10-second bar hang, 100-meter run
Skill Focus: Power Cleans
12 min AMRAP
300m Row
Event #1: 25 yd prowler sprints / 20 butterfly sit ups = 1 rd
Event #2: 10 tire flips / 10 tire jumps = 1 rd (in & out = 1 jump)
Event #3: 100 m ball relay (1:1 work/rest) 100 m = 1 rd
Event #2: 10 tire flips / 10 tire jumps = 1 rd (in & out = 1 jump)
Event #3: 100 m ball relay (1:1 work/rest) 100 m = 1 rd