The Running Man (Or The Running? Maaaan)

Paula Jager
Monday, June 23, 2014 - 14:30
Warm Up:  400 m run, 10 pass thrus, 10 windmills; 2x 5 scapula pull ups,  5 dips,, 10 swings, 5 box jumps, 5 pull ups

Skill Focus:  Strict Pull ups & Strict Dips
Warm up as needed and. . .

Dead hang/weighted pull-ups 3, 3, 3 x 4 rest :15 s between 3s and 1:00 after set of 9 (so do a set of 3, rest 15 secs, another set of 3, rest 15 secs, third set of 3, rest 1 min – do this four times).

Strict/weighted ring dip 3, 3, 3 x 4 rest ::15 between 3s and 1:00 m after set of 9 (same tempo structure as pull-ups)

Folks still on the dip stations can work on stability on rings WITH PARTNER, if coach feels appropriate.

400m run
25 swings 70/53
400m run
25 box jumps 30/24
400m run
25 swings
400m run

Post PU & Dip wgt if used/time for score

Congrats and big shout outs to Coaches Kevin, Kim and Antonio for completing the CF Gymnastics cert!  I bet we're going to see some cool moves/cues popping up in the programming. . .


Yep, didn't take long.  Good stuff already, improved progressions for dead hang pull ups

