Warm up: 2 mins jumprope; 2 rds 10 jump squats, 10 ring rows, 10 straight leg kicks, 5 push ups
Skill: Pull up - weighted
warm up and build to a. . .
Weighted Pull up 1 RM
Skill: Pull up - weighted
warm up and build to a. . .
Weighted Pull up 1 RM
Warm Up: CrossFit Kids Baseball – Define a diamond-shaped area with cones as bases. Each base, including home plate, is assigned an exercise and number of reps and kids sprint between them. Runs are marked with chalk.
A) x max reps db strict press, use 25% of 1rm barbell strict press (tight stomach, no arch in back)
B) Crossfit Metcon
C) 2rds; 1min Airdyne, or row, 15 deficit HSPU (4”/2”)
D) 5-10 x dragon flag negatives, or max effort hold
B) Crossfit Metcon
C) 2rds; 1min Airdyne, or row, 15 deficit HSPU (4”/2”)
D) 5-10 x dragon flag negatives, or max effort hold
Warm up: 400 m run/row; 3 x 5 burpees, 5 push ups
Skill: Close Grip Bench Press
Warm up and build to a. . .
Close Grip Bench Press 3 RM
and then. . .
3 x 10 neutral DB press
Skill: Close Grip Bench Press
Warm up and build to a. . .
Close Grip Bench Press 3 RM
and then. . .
3 x 10 neutral DB press
Warm up: 400 m run; 2 rds 20 pvc good mornings, 10 sit ups, 10 band pull aparts
Skill: Rack Pull & Starr Shrugs
Review movements and warm up
Rack pull 5RM (just below the knee)
Skill: Rack Pull & Starr Shrugs
Review movements and warm up
Rack pull 5RM (just below the knee)
A) 3 Position Clean (floor, low hang, high hang) build to heaviest complex for the day.
B) CF Metcon, or alternate;
4 bar mu
8 ttb
12 alt pistols
100m run
AMRAP in 9min
B) CF Metcon, or alternate;
4 bar mu
8 ttb
12 alt pistols
100m run
AMRAP in 9min
1:1. Everything can be split except the squats. Each partner must do 10.
30 wall balls 20#/14
30 SDHP 75#/55# or KB 70/53
30 box jumps 20''
30 push press 75#/55#
30 calories on the rower
1:1. Everything can be split except the squats. Each partner must do 10.
30 wall balls 20#/14
30 SDHP 75#/55# or KB 70/53
30 box jumps 20''
30 push press 75#/55#
30 calories on the rower
A) CF Metcon
B) Strict pull up ladder; 1 rep then drop, 2 reps then drop, 3 drop, 4 etc, try to beat last weeks score.
C) Stretch, foam roll, bath, massage etc
B) Strict pull up ladder; 1 rep then drop, 2 reps then drop, 3 drop, 4 etc, try to beat last weeks score.
C) Stretch, foam roll, bath, massage etc
In teams of 2 with only 1 person working at a time. . .
100 du’s
80 thrusters 65#/45#
60 tire flips
40 push ups
200 m run/buddy carry on second round
Post time for score
In teams of 2 with only 1 person working at a time. . .
100 du’s
80 thrusters 65#/45#
60 tire flips
40 push ups
200 m run/buddy carry on second round
Post time for score