WOD: Three rounds – one min at each station, 1 min rest between rounds
Row for cals
Wall balls 20/14
SDHP 75/55
Box jumps 20"
Push press 75/55
Post total reps
Row for cals
Wall balls 20/14
SDHP 75/55
Box jumps 20"
Push press 75/55
Post total reps
A) CF Metcon
B) Bent over barbell row 5 x 5, focus on form, not ego. Do not post your weight.
B) Bent over barbell row 5 x 5, focus on form, not ego. Do not post your weight.
Skill/Strength: Split Jerk
60% x 5
70% x 3
80% x 1
90% x 1
100% x 1
100%+ x 1
Four min AMRAP
5 Cleans 155#/115#
Three mins rest
60% x 5
70% x 3
80% x 1
90% x 1
100% x 1
100%+ x 1
Four min AMRAP
5 Cleans 155#/115#
Three mins rest
Skill: Snatch complex E2MOM, 12 mins: snatch grip deadlift, hang power snatch, hang snatch @ 80% of 1rm Snatch
10-9-8… 1
Hang power snatch 95/65
Chest to Bar pull-ups
Post weight used and time
10-9-8… 1
Hang power snatch 95/65
Chest to Bar pull-ups
Post weight used and time
Warm-Up: Handstand walk or bear crawl, 5 inchworm push-ups, 5 one-legged forward-backward hops, each leg, 10 squats, 50-meter high knees, 50-meter pocket kickers
A) Snatch; 3 position Snatch (full, low hang, high hang). Find your heaviest complex for the day. Note: this goes easiest to hardest, so you will need to be fast today.
B) CF Metcon
C) 100 push ups for time
B) CF Metcon
C) 100 push ups for time
Skill: For those who have them: 20-30 MUs. Not for time. Good reps.
All others: Kipping, HS holds, walks, anything gymnastics-based. Divide into groups, based on abilities,
All others: Kipping, HS holds, walks, anything gymnastics-based. Divide into groups, based on abilities,
A) 7min AMRAP; 3 muscle ups, 200m run.
B) 7min AMRAP; 20’ HS Walk, 100m run
C) CF Metcon
D) Strict HSPU; 4 x 5-10. If you can do more than 10, do them from a 2” deficit.
B) 7min AMRAP; 20’ HS Walk, 100m run
C) CF Metcon
D) Strict HSPU; 4 x 5-10. If you can do more than 10, do them from a 2” deficit.
Skill: Deadlift – Beginning at 65%, 5 x 3 working up to new 3RM
Partner WOD:
Four rounds each, 1:1, for time
20 wall balls 20/14
10 ball slams
Partner WOD:
Four rounds each, 1:1, for time
20 wall balls 20/14
10 ball slams