“Weightlifting Can Be Conditioning Too...”

Paula Jager
Saturday, January 24, 2015 - 09:47
A) Strength: 10min E2MOM Back Squat , 3 @ 85% of 1rm back squat

B) Metcon: For time: 800m run, 15 muscle ups, 30 toes to bar, 800m run

Scale for MU is 1 chest to bar 1 dip = 1 MU, 2 pull ups, 1 dip = 1 MU, ok to break them up and do all the pull ups, then all the dips.

Score: Squat weight and time

January Athlete of the Month: Nicole J.

Nicole joined CrossFit Jaguar a little more than four years ago. Over those four years she has been both consistent and dedicated without any kind of break in her training schedule. Her strength has improved greatly but her stamina and endurance have improved dramatically. No matter what the WOD she gives everything she has leaving nothing on the table and always finishes.

Nicole takes being a team player above and beyond by supporting and encouraging members both in the box during workouts and at competitions outside the box and her attendance and help is greatly appreciated. Not always on the sidelines Nicole has also competed in events along with box fitness challenges and took home the crown one year. She pushes herself during the WODs to consistently seek and achieve PR’s setting a good example for our community.

Her hard work goes hand in hand with her nutritional practices. Nicole starts her WOD in the kitchen; she is a great primal cook and knows how to fuel her body for brutal workouts not to mention bringing delicious culinary creations to our Paleo potluck gatherings.

CF Jag proudly salutes Nicole as January’s AOM!