A) Strength: 5 x 5 back squat @65% of your 1RM E2MOM*
B) Metcon: AMRAP in 8 mins
10 swings 53#/35#
10 goblet squats
5 burpees
Score: back squat weight used and # rds + reps completed
B) Metcon: AMRAP in 8 mins
10 swings 53#/35#
10 goblet squats
5 burpees
Score: back squat weight used and # rds + reps completed
A) Oly: 4 x 2 Power Snatch @80%; 4 x 1 Power Snatch @85% (use same weight ea grp/4)
B) Metcon: 5 RFT
10 1 arm alt db snatches 50-60# / 30-40#
12 pull ups
200 m run
Cap of 16 min.
B) Metcon: 5 RFT
10 1 arm alt db snatches 50-60# / 30-40#
12 pull ups
200 m run
Cap of 16 min.
A) Back Squat 5 x 5 @ 70-72.5%
B) CF Metcon
C) Not for time: length of turf HS walk, 10 hollow rocks every time you come down.
B) CF Metcon
C) Not for time: length of turf HS walk, 10 hollow rocks every time you come down.
Warm-Up:10 PVC pass-throughs, log roll, 10 jumping jacks, bear crawl, 10 squats, 10 split lunges
Hang power snatch – focus on triple extension
3 rounds
200-meter run
Hang power snatch – focus on triple extension
3 rounds
200-meter run
A) Snatch complex: high hang (vertical chest), low hang (above knee). Drop, reset, and full snatch from the floor. Find heaviest for the day.
B) CF Metcon
C) 4 rds not for time: max L-sit on parallettes, 250m row.
B) CF Metcon
C) 4 rds not for time: max L-sit on parallettes, 250m row.
45min time cap: Teams of 2, equipment per team (1x jump rope, 2x db or kb, 1x medball)
1 mile run, teammates must hold jump rope between them the entire mile (can't leave your bro / chick behind)
1 mile run, teammates must hold jump rope between them the entire mile (can't leave your bro / chick behind)
Nicole joined CrossFit Jaguar a little more than four years ago. Over those four years she has been both consistent and dedicated without any kind of break in her training schedule. Her strength has improved greatly but her stamina and endurance have improved dramatically.
A) CF Metcon
B) Muscle up work, spending about 10 – 15 min, work on efficient bar, and ring muscle ups. Try to make them feel easy. If you aren’t there yet, work on progressions.
B) Muscle up work, spending about 10 – 15 min, work on efficient bar, and ring muscle ups. Try to make them feel easy. If you aren’t there yet, work on progressions.
A) Strength: (5 – 10min) Warm up for B by doing heavy 2 rep Front Squats, go heavier until your squat speed slows down, then stop and move on to B. (NOT a 2 rm)