E2MOM 10 minutes
200m Sprint
20 C2B pull-ups
40 KB swings 53/35
Time cap: 15 minutes
-Slowest sprint time
-WOD time
E2MOM 10 minutes
200m Sprint
20 C2B pull-ups
40 KB swings 53/35
Time cap: 15 minutes
-Slowest sprint time
-WOD time
A) Snatch; 2 @ 80% 10min E2MOM (Touch and go not allowed)
B) CF Metcon
C) For time: Length of turf HS walk, 30 sec plank penalty for every drop, 3min max penalty.
B) CF Metcon
C) For time: Length of turf HS walk, 30 sec plank penalty for every drop, 3min max penalty.
Front Squat
E2MOM 10 minutes
Set 1-75%x3
Set 2-80%x2
Set 3-85%x1
Set 4-90%x1
Set 5-90+%x1
Rest 2 minutes
Max reps @80%
Front Squat
E2MOM 10 minutes
Set 1-75%x3
Set 2-80%x2
Set 3-85%x1
Set 4-90%x1
Set 5-90+%x1
Rest 2 minutes
Max reps @80%
A) Halt Clean + Clean and Jerk. @ 70% + 10# x 5 sets (pause at knee for 3 sec, then clean, drop bar then immediately clean and jerk)
B) CF Metcon
C) 5 rounds for time; 150m row, 100m run (down back down back on turf).
B) CF Metcon
C) 5 rounds for time; 150m row, 100m run (down back down back on turf).
In teams of 2
For time
100 partner Wall balls 20/14
Rest 5 minutes
10 minute AMRAP
10 Ball slams 35-50/20-30
10 push-ups
Time cap: 25 minutes
For time
100 partner Wall balls 20/14
Rest 5 minutes
10 minute AMRAP
10 Ball slams 35-50/20-30
10 push-ups
Time cap: 25 minutes
Back Squat
E2MOM 10 minutes
Set 1-60%x3
Set 2-70%x3
Set 3-80%x2
Set 4-85%x2
Set 5-90%x1
Rest 2 minutes
Max reps @75%
Back Squat
E2MOM 10 minutes
Set 1-60%x3
Set 2-70%x3
Set 3-80%x2
Set 4-85%x2
Set 5-90%x1
Rest 2 minutes
Max reps @75%
A) Back Squat; 3 sets of 5 @ 75% of 1RM +10#s
B) CF Metcon
C) 30 strict pull ups, 30 second pillar hold penalty for every break. (max 2 min of penalties)
B) CF Metcon
C) 30 strict pull ups, 30 second pillar hold penalty for every break. (max 2 min of penalties)