Skill: 2 Strict Press and 1 Push Jerk Complex -15 min to work up to today’s heaviest complex weight
5 min AMRAP
100 m run
5 G2O (135/95)
2 Min Rest/Transition
5 min AMRAP
10 Burpees
5 min AMRAP
100 m run
5 G2O (135/95)
2 Min Rest/Transition
5 min AMRAP
10 Burpees
A) Snatch; 8min E2MOM; (4 sets) 2 @ 80%, no touch and go.
B) CF Metcon
C) Find a 10RM dumbbell strict press (neutral grip, elbows in, not flared out)
B) CF Metcon
C) Find a 10RM dumbbell strict press (neutral grip, elbows in, not flared out)
WOD: 4 min stations (2 min transition) Teams of 2-3
Station 1:Burpee hurdle /3 HSPU relay
Station 2: 10 Russian KB Swings/ Bear Crawl down-Crab Walk Back relay
Station 1:Burpee hurdle /3 HSPU relay
Station 2: 10 Russian KB Swings/ Bear Crawl down-Crab Walk Back relay
Skill: 30x0-mean/
E90sec for 7 rounds (10 min 30 sec): 3 Tempo Back Squats 32x1 (NOT 32 sets of 1!!!!)
@75-85% of 1 rm
E90sec for 7 rounds (10 min 30 sec): 3 Tempo Back Squats 32x1 (NOT 32 sets of 1!!!!)
@75-85% of 1 rm
S: Push Press
5x2 @80%
10 Cal Row
20 Sit Ups
30 Ball Slams 20#/14#
40 Jump Rope 20 Double
Unders if you have them
15 min AMRAP
5x2 @80%
10 Cal Row
20 Sit Ups
30 Ball Slams 20#/14#
40 Jump Rope 20 Double
Unders if you have them
15 min AMRAP
Skill: Rope Climb: Accumulate 8-10 ascents in 15 min
Rx+ options: Seated/ L-sit/ Legless/Weighted vest
New or learning to climb: Focus on different foot wraps, pulls, up/downs and working off
a box
WOD: For time
Rx+ options: Seated/ L-sit/ Legless/Weighted vest
New or learning to climb: Focus on different foot wraps, pulls, up/downs and working off
a box
WOD: For time
S: Rope Climb Practice
20-15- 10-5
DB Thrusters 30-40#/20- 30#
1 Rope Climb After each round
3 Up/Knee Raise/Down 10
Ring Rings
15 min time cap
20-15- 10-5
DB Thrusters 30-40#/20- 30#
1 Rope Climb After each round
3 Up/Knee Raise/Down 10
Ring Rings
15 min time cap