A) Strength: Strength: Power Snatch x 3RM 15 - 20min (touch and go) go over proper form for reloading power snatches in a wod. (bar goes down the way it came up)
B) Metcon:
21-15- 9-6
Power Snatch (95/65)
Bar facing burpee
B) Metcon:
21-15- 9-6
Power Snatch (95/65)
Bar facing burpee
A) Power Snatch + Hang Snatch; Find heaviest for the day.
B) CF Metcon
C) E2MOM for 10min; starting prone on stomach. Sprint turf length and back x2 (100m total) (hand touches floor at each end), then 10 alternating pistols
B) CF Metcon
C) E2MOM for 10min; starting prone on stomach. Sprint turf length and back x2 (100m total) (hand touches floor at each end), then 10 alternating pistols
A) Metcon: 28 min AMRAP
Teams of 3
Relay style, one works, 2 resting (Each rd should be max effort)
100m sprint
10 goblet squats (40-55/20- 35) Dumbbell or KB
10 ball slams (ahap)
Teams of 3
Relay style, one works, 2 resting (Each rd should be max effort)
100m sprint
10 goblet squats (40-55/20- 35) Dumbbell or KB
10 ball slams (ahap)
A) CF Metcon
B) Work on an efficiency weakness (barbell cycling, kipping, rowing etc) let me know if you need any direction.
B) Work on an efficiency weakness (barbell cycling, kipping, rowing etc) let me know if you need any direction.
A) Strength: 10min EMOM (10rds) Snatch; 1 @ 70%
B) Metcon: 12min AMRAP (scaling note: goal should be 4+rds)
10 Deadlift (245 / 170)
10 Box jump over (24/20)
10 push ups
B) Metcon: 12min AMRAP (scaling note: goal should be 4+rds)
10 Deadlift (245 / 170)
10 Box jump over (24/20)
10 push ups
S: 500m Row for Time (compare to previous attempt 2months ago)
1 Plate push 45/25
20 DU (40 Single)
10 Wall Ball 20/14
5 V Ups
1 Plate push 45/25
20 DU (40 Single)
10 Wall Ball 20/14
5 V Ups
A) CF S-WOD but…(@ 80 to 85%)
B) CF Metcon
C) 75’ hs walk
D) 3 sets of max ring dips (kipping allowed)
B) CF Metcon
C) 75’ hs walk
D) 3 sets of max ring dips (kipping allowed)
A) Strength: (15min) Shoulder to overhead 5rm (press, pp, pj, sj all ok, explain, and demonstrate barbell cycling efficiency for metcons)
B) Metcon: For time: 12min time cap
21-15- 12-9
S2O (95/65)
Supine Ring rows
B) Metcon: For time: 12min time cap
21-15- 12-9
S2O (95/65)
Supine Ring rows
Warm Up:
Kids Choice Tabata!
-Box Jumps
-KB Deadlifts
-Push Ups
Skill: KB Sumo Deadlift High Pull
3 minute AMRAP
Kids Choice Tabata!
-Box Jumps
-KB Deadlifts
-Push Ups
Skill: KB Sumo Deadlift High Pull
3 minute AMRAP