A) Endurance: 1250m row for time
B) Metcon: EMOM for 18min (6rds ea)
Min 1 – 15 OH Walking lunge w/ Plate (45/25)
Min 2 – 20 Russian twists
Min 3 – 30 double unders (60 singles)
B) Metcon: EMOM for 18min (6rds ea)
Min 1 – 15 OH Walking lunge w/ Plate (45/25)
Min 2 – 20 Russian twists
Min 3 – 30 double unders (60 singles)
S: Rope Climb
1 RC E90 sec x 9 min
3x 4 min AMRAP
1 min rest b/t rounds
400m Run
Max wall balls
(Score is # WB)
1 RC E90 sec x 9 min
3x 4 min AMRAP
1 min rest b/t rounds
400m Run
Max wall balls
(Score is # WB)
A) Strength: Bench press; 10 min E2MOM 4 reps @ 70 to 75% of 1RM
B) Metcon: Partner 1:1 (complete full rounds)
3 rope climb (15 ring rows or 6 up / downs)
6 push ups
9 russian kbs (70/53)
12min AMRAP
B) Metcon: Partner 1:1 (complete full rounds)
3 rope climb (15 ring rows or 6 up / downs)
6 push ups
9 russian kbs (70/53)
12min AMRAP
B) CF Metcon
C) Tabata; 6min (12 rds) alternate between L-Sit Hold, and double unders (your choice on L-sits, hanging from pull up bar, rings, on dip bars, etc.
B) CF Metcon
C) Tabata; 6min (12 rds) alternate between L-Sit Hold, and double unders (your choice on L-sits, hanging from pull up bar, rings, on dip bars, etc.
A) Back Squat; 10min E2MOM, 3-4 sets of 5 reps, remaining 1 – 2 sets x 4 reps. Load is same as previous 2 weeks (75-85% of 1rm)
B) Metcon:
400m Run
15 thrusters (95/65)
10 Toes to bar
3rds for time
B) Metcon:
400m Run
15 thrusters (95/65)
10 Toes to bar
3rds for time
A) CF S-WOD (try to get 4 sets of 5, the 5x5 is coming)
B) CF Metcon
C) 4rnft; 6-8 chest to bar pull ups, 250m row @ 95% effort Sprint through each round then recover completely.
B) CF Metcon
C) 4rnft; 6-8 chest to bar pull ups, 250m row @ 95% effort Sprint through each round then recover completely.