
Paula Jager
Monday, October 10, 2016 - 11:07
Strength: Overhead Squat E90SecMOM – just set the interval timer (5 sets of 3 reps increasing weight each set starting at 60% of OHS or light if no 1RM)


400M Run

30 Wall Balls

20 Toes to Bar subs  25 knee to elbow  30 knee raises  35 sit ups

10 HSPU subs  1 abmat  pike on box  15 seating DB strict press  20 DB push press

5 Snatches 135#/95# (yes, full squat) sub  power then ride down into a full squat  10 overhead squats from the rack

For Time

Score: Heaviest OHS/time

Congratulations Coach Justin and Dana on your engagement this past weekend!!
