

Paula Jager
8 years ago
A) Strength: Back Squat; find a 3rm (or 1rm if it feels good)

B) Metcon: 5 rounds for time

10 Thrusters (95/65)

10 Toes-to- Bar

Score: BS 3, or 1rm. Rounds / reps of metcon
Paula Jager
8 years ago
MONDAY – 1/9


Min 1: 3-5 Strict Pullups

Min 2: 5 Strict DB Press (may increase weight)

WOD: 4 Round for Time

8 Deadlifts (135/95)

8 DB Hang Power Cleans (40/25)
Paula Jager
8 years ago
A) Front Squat; find a 3rm and if it feels good, try for a heavy single.

B) CF Metcon

C) Pull a heavy single deadlift, not max effort. Goal is somewhere between 85 to 95% unless it’s feeling good.
Paula Jager
8 years ago
Metcon: For Time
20 Toes to bar
17 power snatch (135/95)
1 mile run
20 toes to bar
17 power snatch
Paula Jager
8 years ago
A) CF Metcon

B) Work On Weakness; if there is a standard that you don’t meet here:
Paula Jager
8 years ago
A) Oly: Clean complex E90sec x 7rds at 75-85% of 1rm power clean
(Power Clean, Push Jerk, Front Squat, Split Jerk) it is ok to increase weight each round through the prescribed weight range.

B) Metcon: Nasty Girls
3rds for time
50 air squats
Paula Jager
8 years ago
Friday 1/6

Skill: 3 rounds of (if possible) head to head shuttle sprints
Paula Jager
8 years ago
A) Complex: E90sec x 7rds; Power Clean; push jerk, hang clean, split jerk @ 80 – 90% of pc 1rm. Ok to add weight throughout the 7rds

B) CF Metcon

C) Strict HSPU x 4 sets of max reps

D) Strict Chin up x 4 sets of max reps
Paula Jager
8 years ago
A) Strength: Bench Press; in 15-20min find a heavy set of 3.

B) Metcon: 10min amrap
15 kb swings (53/35)
5 s2o right
5 s2o left
15 v-ups

Score: Bench weight, rounds + reps
Paula Jager
8 years ago
Workout of the day - January 4th, 2017

Warm Up: