WOD: 20 min AMRAP
400m run
21 KB Swings 53/35
12 Pull Ups
*Retest from 1/20/2018
Score: rounds + reps
400m run
21 KB Swings 53/35
12 Pull Ups
*Retest from 1/20/2018
Score: rounds + reps
Open 18.4
For time:
21 deadlifts, 225 lb.
21 handstand push-ups
15 deadlifts, 225 lb.
15 handstand push-ups
9 deadlifts, 225 lb.
9 handstand push-ups
21 deadlifts, 315 lb.
For time:
21 deadlifts, 225 lb.
21 handstand push-ups
15 deadlifts, 225 lb.
15 handstand push-ups
9 deadlifts, 225 lb.
9 handstand push-ups
21 deadlifts, 315 lb.
Open 18.4
For time:
21 deadlifts, 135 lb.
21 hand-release push-ups
15 deadlifts, 135 lb.
15 hand-release push-ups
9 deadlifts, 135 lb.
9 hand-release push-ups
21 deadlifts, 185 lb.
For time:
21 deadlifts, 135 lb.
21 hand-release push-ups
15 deadlifts, 135 lb.
15 hand-release push-ups
9 deadlifts, 135 lb.
9 hand-release push-ups
21 deadlifts, 185 lb.
Wow. That was all I could say when we compared Madison's pictures from one year ago when she started training at CF Jaguar. We saw Madison regularly, we knew she was working hard, we knew she was making nutritional changes and we knew she was getting results.
15 minutes to build to a heavy 4
Teams of 2
10 rounds total (5 rounds each)
100m Sprint
10 Wall Balls
1 Rope Climb
*Switch every full round
15 minutes to build to a heavy 4
Teams of 2
10 rounds total (5 rounds each)
100m Sprint
10 Wall Balls
1 Rope Climb
*Switch every full round
Skill: Hang Power Clean Review/Warm Up
WOD: Every :90 for 16 rounds, alternate movements
A) 10/8 Cals AAB or :30, whichever comes first
B) 2 Hang Power Cleans
*Build over the 8 sets to a HEAVY 2
WOD: Every :90 for 16 rounds, alternate movements
A) 10/8 Cals AAB or :30, whichever comes first
B) 2 Hang Power Cleans
*Build over the 8 sets to a HEAVY 2
Tempo KB Front Squats (Dual KBs)
3211 – 6 reps, 6 reps, 6 reps, 6 reps
*Rest 2 to 3 minutes between sets
On an 11 min running clock
3 min row for calories
1 min wall sit
Tempo KB Front Squats (Dual KBs)
3211 – 6 reps, 6 reps, 6 reps, 6 reps
*Rest 2 to 3 minutes between sets
On an 11 min running clock
3 min row for calories
1 min wall sit
Take 15 to 20 minutes to find a heavy 3
5 min AMRAP
15 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls 95/65
12 Box Jumps 24/20
9 HSPU (Scale: 1 ab mat – pike off box - Hand release push-ups)
Take 15 to 20 minutes to find a heavy 3
5 min AMRAP
15 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls 95/65
12 Box Jumps 24/20
9 HSPU (Scale: 1 ab mat – pike off box - Hand release push-ups)
Skill: Class Skill
WOD: Class WOD
Take 15 minutes and build to a HEAVY 2 Clean and Jerk
WOD: Class WOD
Take 15 minutes and build to a HEAVY 2 Clean and Jerk