A) Back Squat with class, add 5 – 10# on last weeks #s. if it still feels light increase weight on the final set.
B) CF Metcon
C) 1000m row @ 70% intensity. (18 – 21 strokes/min)
B) CF Metcon
C) 1000m row @ 70% intensity. (18 – 21 strokes/min)
In teams of 2. . .
10 minutes:
Run 8, 200 m’s (8 total, alt @1:1)
In time remaining perform max rep tire flips @ a 1:1 AHAP
Rest 3 mins
In 6 minutes:
Run 8, 100 m’s (8 total, Alt 1:1)
10 minutes:
Run 8, 200 m’s (8 total, alt @1:1)
In time remaining perform max rep tire flips @ a 1:1 AHAP
Rest 3 mins
In 6 minutes:
Run 8, 100 m’s (8 total, Alt 1:1)
A) Oly: 4 x 2 Hang Clean @80%, 4 x 1 Hang Clean @85% (use same weight ea grp 4)
B) Metcon: 6 RFT
15 wall balls
5 hpc 155#/105
Cap: 15 min
Score: HC weight used for 4 x 1 and time or #rds + reps
B) Metcon: 6 RFT
15 wall balls
5 hpc 155#/105
Cap: 15 min
Score: HC weight used for 4 x 1 and time or #rds + reps
A) CF Metcon
B) Gymnastics; work on pull overs, levers, and planche holds. Let me know if you don’t know what any of these are.
B) Gymnastics; work on pull overs, levers, and planche holds. Let me know if you don’t know what any of these are.
A) Clean complex; High hang clean (vertical chest), Low hang clean (above knee) 5 heavy sets
B) CF Metcon
C) Accumulate 15-20 ring muscle ups, focusing on efficient kipping. (hollow to arch, hold a towel between your feet if you can’t keep them together)
B) CF Metcon
C) Accumulate 15-20 ring muscle ups, focusing on efficient kipping. (hollow to arch, hold a towel between your feet if you can’t keep them together)
A) Strength: 5 x 3 deadlift @70% of your 1RM*
B) Metcon: 4 RFT
100 m run
10 BO rows (ea rep starts on the ground and touches chest) 135#/95#,
30’s du’s
100 m run
Rest exactly 1 min btwn rds.
B) Metcon: 4 RFT
100 m run
10 BO rows (ea rep starts on the ground and touches chest) 135#/95#,
30’s du’s
100 m run
Rest exactly 1 min btwn rds.
A) Strength: Push Press 5 x 5 @75% of your 5RM E2MOM*
Metcon: AMRAP in 18 min
15 box jumps 24”/20”
12 push press 115#/80
9 T2B
Score: pp weight used and # rds + reps
Metcon: AMRAP in 18 min
15 box jumps 24”/20”
12 push press 115#/80
9 T2B
Score: pp weight used and # rds + reps
Warm Up: 5 jumping squats, cartwheel, 5 one leg broad jump, each leg, 5 single-leg toe touches, each leg, 50-meter high-knee skip, 50-meter carioca
Skill: Push jerk – focus on dip-drive-drop
Skill: Push jerk – focus on dip-drive-drop