A) CF S-WOD, or RX+ option: 10min EMOM; 2 Power cleans (155/105), 2 MU (bar or ring)
B) CF Metcon
C) 5RFT; 5 burpee+ (burpee with 3 push ups), 50m sprint (down back on turf)
B) CF Metcon
C) 5RFT; 5 burpee+ (burpee with 3 push ups), 50m sprint (down back on turf)
5x2 clean and jerks (squat clean, jerk any way, reset between reps/not touch and go) @85-88% of 1RM C&J
8 mins to warm up to working weight
18 min to finish 5x2
10 min EMOM
5x2 clean and jerks (squat clean, jerk any way, reset between reps/not touch and go) @85-88% of 1RM C&J
8 mins to warm up to working weight
18 min to finish 5x2
10 min EMOM
Teams of 3
Buy-In: team 400m run OR 1 minute plank hold all together (up on hands) if raining
120 Goblet Squats AHAP (sub air squats)
120 Butterfly Sit-Ups
120 Burpees
Buy-In: team 400m run OR 1 minute plank hold all together (up on hands) if raining
120 Goblet Squats AHAP (sub air squats)
120 Butterfly Sit-Ups
120 Burpees
Skill: Tabata of free-standing handstand hold
**Note: I don’t expect anyone to complete all the rounds RX whatsoever; 2 on, 1 off is ideal if someone is super good at free-standing
**Note: I don’t expect anyone to complete all the rounds RX whatsoever; 2 on, 1 off is ideal if someone is super good at free-standing
A) Clean and Jerk; build up to 1 @ 90%, then 2 sets of 2 @ 20lbs down. (no touch and go)
B) CF Metcon
C) 50m HS Walk (6min time cap)
B) CF Metcon
C) 50m HS Walk (6min time cap)
Back Squat
start at a low % and build to a heavy 3
2 minutes to find partners/racks/set-up/light warm ups
20 minutes to build with 2.5-3 minutes rest between heavy sets
Back Squat
start at a low % and build to a heavy 3
2 minutes to find partners/racks/set-up/light warm ups
20 minutes to build with 2.5-3 minutes rest between heavy sets
10 min EMOM
2 Muscle Ups (rx) – bar or ring
Sub 4 C2B/Pull Ups (mod for pull ups is negatives or low rogue bar with a box) + 2 Dips
20 Hollow rocks
10 min EMOM
2 Muscle Ups (rx) – bar or ring
Sub 4 C2B/Pull Ups (mod for pull ups is negatives or low rogue bar with a box) + 2 Dips
20 Hollow rocks