Strength: Deadlift: 15 min EM90secOM
2 reps @75-80% of 2 rm
Metcon: 10 min AMRAP
1 power snatch 115/75
1 plate push* 45/35
2 power snatch 115/75
1 plate push
3 power snatch 115/75
2 reps @75-80% of 2 rm
Metcon: 10 min AMRAP
1 power snatch 115/75
1 plate push* 45/35
2 power snatch 115/75
1 plate push
3 power snatch 115/75
A) 10 minute EMOM; 50m shuttle sprint, 3 power cleans @ 155 / 105 (start lying chest down on the ground, at the start of the round pop up, run 25m,touch the ground and sprint back, then do 3 power cleans)
B) CF Metcon
B) CF Metcon
Warm Up: 3 rounds of 100m sprint, 10 squats, 10 lunges, 10 push ups
Skill: Partner Up and Review WOD movements
100 ball slams
80 back extensions
60 lunges
40 burpees
20 dumbbell push press
Skill: Partner Up and Review WOD movements
100 ball slams
80 back extensions
60 lunges
40 burpees
20 dumbbell push press
About 1 ½ years ago a somewhat quiet college student walked into CF Jaguar and began to see what the workouts were all about. It didn’t take Raquel long to make friends and feel right at home. A star swimmer in high school, Raquel’s competitive sp
Strength: 1rm Hang Power Clean 15 min (the HPC is at or slightly above the knee)
Metcon: 5 RFT
5 cleans 135/95 (RX+ 155/105)
10 FR lunges in place (same weight)
15 Barbell rollouts
20 min time cap
Metcon: 5 RFT
5 cleans 135/95 (RX+ 155/105)
10 FR lunges in place (same weight)
15 Barbell rollouts
20 min time cap
A) 1 Complex; Clean, Hang Clean, Jerk. (find heaviest of the day)
B) CF Metcon
C) 3 sets max reps shoulder to overhead (155/105)
B) CF Metcon
C) 3 sets max reps shoulder to overhead (155/105)
Warm Up: 3 rounds of 200m row, 10 burpees, 10 jumping jacks, 10 DB thrusters
10 minute EMOM
Strict Press x3
8 Wall Balls
8 Box Jumps
8 minute AMRAP
10 minute EMOM
Strict Press x3
8 Wall Balls
8 Box Jumps
8 minute AMRAP
A) Complex; Snatch, Hang Snatch, OHS x 3 for 4 sets. (do the complex 3x each set recommended weight is 2 sets @ 70%, 2 sets @ 75% of 1rm snatch)
B) CF Metcon
C) Strict pull up ladder (1,2,3,etc) 4 sets, with 2min rest between. Goal is 50 reps
B) CF Metcon
C) Strict pull up ladder (1,2,3,etc) 4 sets, with 2min rest between. Goal is 50 reps