

Paula Jager
9 years ago
A) 10min EMOM, Even – 10 alt pistols, Odd – 5 strict HSPU (this isn’t a ton of volume, so try to work on correct positioning and body control)

B) CF Metcon

C) 800m run, rest, 400m run
Paula Jager
9 years ago
AMRAP 25 minutes
Partner A
3 Thrusters 95/65
3 C2B pull-ups
Partner B
3 Thrusters 95/65
3 C2B pull-ups
Partner A
6 Thrusters 95/65
6 C2B pull-ups
Partner B
6 Thrusters 95/65
6 C2B pull-ups
Paula Jager
9 years ago
A) CF Metcon

B) Work on a gymnastics weakness
Paula Jager
9 years ago
Strength/Skill: (10 minutes)
EMOM 10 minutes
Min 1: 5 L-arm OHS
Min 2: 5 R-arm OHS
*done with a KB or DB
*stress position over difficulty, go light and focus on mobility

WOD: (20 minutes)
5 Power cleans 135/95
Paula Jager
9 years ago
A) Hang Snatch, 2 @ 75% x 5 sets

B) CF Metcon

C) Max sit ups in 2 min, max feet hs walk in 2 min, max 70/53 # Russian kettlebell swings in 2 min (30 seconds transition time between each movement) (score is total reps, 1’ = 1 rep on hs walk)
Paula Jager
9 years ago
Warm Up: 30 seconds of each exercise - squats, jumping jacks, burpees, frankensteins, wall walk ups
2 rounds

Skill: Split Jerk


200m run
25 DB thrusters
200m run
25 box jumps
200m run
Paula Jager
9 years ago
Strength/Skill: (25 minutes)
Push Press
*rest 90s-2min between sets

WOD: (12 minutes)
12 minutes AMRAP
60 Bar-facing burpees
30 OHS (115/75)
10 Muscle-ups
Paula Jager
9 years ago
Strength/Skill: (20 minutes)
With a partner
3x400m run
*each partner runs 3 times
*one works while the other rests

WOD: (15 minutes)
With a partner
15 minute AMRAP
C&J 185/125
Paula Jager
9 years ago


Paula Jager
9 years ago
A) CF S-Wod

B) CF Metcon

C) 50 x kb hang power snatch each arm for time. (Alternate as much as you want, as long as you can keep track) 53 / 35