Skill: Front Squat 3-3-3-3
Work to increase to a heavy 3
3 DB Manmakers (like a burpee with weight but no row/no jump/no press)
5 Alt DB Renegade Rows (each side)
Work to increase to a heavy 3
3 DB Manmakers (like a burpee with weight but no row/no jump/no press)
5 Alt DB Renegade Rows (each side)
A) Build to a heavy single Power Snatch
B) CF Metcon
C) 4rds NFT, 7 burpees, 12 pistols, 30 double unders (should be unbroken, sprint through the triplet, then recover completely and repeat.)
B) CF Metcon
C) 4rds NFT, 7 burpees, 12 pistols, 30 double unders (should be unbroken, sprint through the triplet, then recover completely and repeat.)
A) Ascending ladder of Muscle ups (ring) w/ 20’ HS walk in between. 1 MU, 20ft hs walk, 2 MU, 20ft hs walk etc. Max reps in 7 minutes.
B) CF Metcon
C) 10min E2MOM, Back Squat; 3 @ 75% (5 sets)
B) CF Metcon
C) 10min E2MOM, Back Squat; 3 @ 75% (5 sets)
FGB Style: Partners go together
Three rounds of 2 min in each station:
Partner Wall Balls 20/14 (Partner A ball one toss, Partner B catch)
Synchronized KB SDHP
Box Jump (Partner A jumps then Partner B jumps)
Three rounds of 2 min in each station:
Partner Wall Balls 20/14 (Partner A ball one toss, Partner B catch)
Synchronized KB SDHP
Box Jump (Partner A jumps then Partner B jumps)
Skill: OHS E90secs for 6 sets
2 OHS (from the rack) starting at 60-65% of 1RM increasing weight each set with good form/technique
Buy in: 100 double unders
21-15-9 of:
2 OHS (from the rack) starting at 60-65% of 1RM increasing weight each set with good form/technique
Buy in: 100 double unders
21-15-9 of:
Skill: 12 min EMOM (take 7-8 min to warm up to weight)
Even: Max Reps in 20 seconds - High Hang Power Clean @ 70%-78.5% of 1 RM PC
Odd: Max Reps in 20 seconds - T2B
Even: Max Reps in 20 seconds - High Hang Power Clean @ 70%-78.5% of 1 RM PC
Odd: Max Reps in 20 seconds - T2B