A) Snatch; Find a heavy single as quickly as possible (under 12min)
B) CF Metcon
C) 8min E2MOM (4rds) 30sec max muscle ups, 30sec max feet hs walk, 1min rest
B) CF Metcon
C) 8min E2MOM (4rds) 30sec max muscle ups, 30sec max feet hs walk, 1min rest
Front Squat
6x3 @75% of 1RM FS, rest 90s-2mins between each round –
50-40- 30-20- 10 (reps are total)
Russian Twists with a Plate 45#/25#
Front Squat
6x3 @75% of 1RM FS, rest 90s-2mins between each round –
50-40- 30-20- 10 (reps are total)
Russian Twists with a Plate 45#/25#
B) CF Metcon
C) Accumulate 3min L-Sit hold on dip bars
D) 4min, 30sec on, 30sec off max flutter kicks
B) CF Metcon
C) Accumulate 3min L-Sit hold on dip bars
D) 4min, 30sec on, 30sec off max flutter kicks
3 Handstand Pushups subs heavy DB seated strict press
6 Deadlift (225/155)
12 Pullups subs 12 jumping pullups 12 banded pull ups 12 low rogue bar pull ups
24 Double-Unders sub 72 singles
10 RFT
3 Handstand Pushups subs heavy DB seated strict press
6 Deadlift (225/155)
12 Pullups subs 12 jumping pullups 12 banded pull ups 12 low rogue bar pull ups
24 Double-Unders sub 72 singles
10 RFT
Partner WOD
Divide reps however you want to. Each team SHOULD only have one DB and one MB – but if you
brought a friend then you might have two different ones)
40 Total DB Goblet Lunges AHAP option no weight
Divide reps however you want to. Each team SHOULD only have one DB and one MB – but if you
brought a friend then you might have two different ones)
40 Total DB Goblet Lunges AHAP option no weight
A) CF Metcon
B) 3rm db ohs right, and left. (ok, to get the db overhead by any means necessary.
B) 3rm db ohs right, and left. (ok, to get the db overhead by any means necessary.
8 minute EMOM
3 Deadlift @80% of 1RM – you should be using the same weight you used last week.
AMRAP 12 minutes
9 Front Squats 135#/95#
6 HSPU subs 1 Ab Mat Strict Press
8 minute EMOM
3 Deadlift @80% of 1RM – you should be using the same weight you used last week.
AMRAP 12 minutes
9 Front Squats 135#/95#
6 HSPU subs 1 Ab Mat Strict Press