A) Strength: Back Squat; 4 sets of 5 @ 80% of 1rm, or 90% of 5rm
B) Metcon: 11min AMRAP
3 Rope climbs
6 HSPU (hand release push up)
B) Metcon: 11min AMRAP
3 Rope climbs
6 HSPU (hand release push up)
A) Power Clean + Hang Clean (anywhere above knee) and Jerk; 5 singles @ 75% of 1rm Clean and Jerk + 5# from last week.
B) CF Metcon
C) For time: 1k row + 25 burpees
B) CF Metcon
C) For time: 1k row + 25 burpees
Rope Climb practice
Buy-in 500m row or bike
Wall Balls 40-30-20-10
Rope Climb 1-2-3-4 ( equal up/downs)
Rope Climb practice
Buy-in 500m row or bike
Wall Balls 40-30-20-10
Rope Climb 1-2-3-4 ( equal up/downs)
A) Oly: Power Clean x 2, reset between reps, find heaviest of the day
B) Metcon: Complete 3rds of
5 Power Clean 155/105
200m run
B) Metcon: Complete 3rds of
5 Power Clean 155/105
200m run
A) Gymnastics: E2MOM x 10 min
Beg: 5 banded pull ups
Int: 2-5 strict pull ups
Adv: 2-5 muscle ups (bar or ring)
Beg: 5 banded pull ups
Int: 2-5 strict pull ups
Adv: 2-5 muscle ups (bar or ring)
Back rack step back lunge. Add 5 lbs from last week set 6 sets 8 reps. Goal to do all 6 sets at the same weight.
for time
Jump rope/sit ups
Back rack step back lunge. Add 5 lbs from last week set 6 sets 8 reps. Goal to do all 6 sets at the same weight.
for time
Jump rope/sit ups
A) CF S-WOD; strict MU
B) CF Metcon
C) 3RNFT; 25’ hs walk, 5 Tall box jumps (36/28) (step down to a lower box)
B) CF Metcon
C) 3RNFT; 25’ hs walk, 5 Tall box jumps (36/28) (step down to a lower box)
A) Oly: Snatch; E2MOM 16min, 2 reps (not touch and go)
Start around 50%, and add 5-10# ea round after a successful lift.
B) Metcon: Amanda
9-7- 5
Ring MU
Squat Snatch (135/95)
Start around 50%, and add 5-10# ea round after a successful lift.
B) Metcon: Amanda
9-7- 5
Ring MU
Squat Snatch (135/95)