Skill: 2 Rounds
200m Farmers Carry
100m Front Rack Carry
*COACHES NOTE* Prefer the use of KBs on this instead of DBs. It will be a better Front Rack
Position. 1 KB per arm. If needed partner them up and make it 3 rounds as a team.
200m Farmers Carry
100m Front Rack Carry
*COACHES NOTE* Prefer the use of KBs on this instead of DBs. It will be a better Front Rack
Position. 1 KB per arm. If needed partner them up and make it 3 rounds as a team.
A) Oly: Power Clean; Touch and go 2RM (15min)
B) Metcon: Elizabeth (power clean version)
21-15- 9 (135/95)
Power Cleans
Ring Dips
Target: sub 10min
Score: 2 rep PC / Metcon time
B) Metcon: Elizabeth (power clean version)
21-15- 9 (135/95)
Power Cleans
Ring Dips
Target: sub 10min
Score: 2 rep PC / Metcon time
A) CF S-WOD but add Jerk to each rep
B) CF Metcon
C) Strict pull ups; accumulate 30 in as few sets as possible (nose to wall handstand hold for 30sec for every break)
B) CF Metcon
C) Strict pull ups; accumulate 30 in as few sets as possible (nose to wall handstand hold for 30sec for every break)
Skill: Plank Hold Ladder (Every :90)
:10 (+ :10 each round)
*Plank Hold must be unbroken
*If fail, start back over at :10 the next round and continue back up
WOD: 6 Rounds for Time
200m Run
:10 (+ :10 each round)
*Plank Hold must be unbroken
*If fail, start back over at :10 the next round and continue back up
WOD: 6 Rounds for Time
200m Run
25 min AMRAP 1:1 ratio (I go, you go)
5 pull ups (10 ring rows)
10 push ups
15 squats
Then a 200m medball run together
5 pull ups (10 ring rows)
10 push ups
15 squats
Then a 200m medball run together
A) Clean: E2MOM x 16min (8rds); 2 clean (full) Start @ 60% of 1RM clean, increase weight each successful rd.
B) Metcon: AMRAP 10min
4 HPC (135/95)
8 Front rack lunges
B) Metcon: AMRAP 10min
4 HPC (135/95)
8 Front rack lunges
WOD: Thrusters (From Rack)
1-1- 1-1- 1-1- 1
*Increase across sets, as form allows
Score is Heaviest Thruster
1-1- 1-1- 1-1- 1
*Increase across sets, as form allows
Score is Heaviest Thruster
B) CF Metcon
C) Muscle up (ring) E90sec 1-3 reps x 10 rds depending on capacity
B) CF Metcon
C) Muscle up (ring) E90sec 1-3 reps x 10 rds depending on capacity