C: 6 rounds of
:30 Watts @ Bodyweight
:30 Watts @ 2x Bodyweight
C: 6 rounds of
:30 Watts @ Bodyweight
:30 Watts @ 2x Bodyweight
The gym will be closed today due to us having the CF Gymnastics Certification Course. Take the
opportunity to think outside the box. Use the fitness you have gained for something else. Here are some
● Do Yoga/Meditation
opportunity to think outside the box. Use the fitness you have gained for something else. Here are some
● Do Yoga/Meditation
Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
8 knee raises or sit ups
10 dumbbell hang clean and jerks 25-35/10-20
14/12 cal row
Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
8 knee raises or sit ups
10 dumbbell hang clean and jerks 25-35/10-20
14/12 cal row
Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
8 toes-to-bars
10 dumbbell hang clean and jerks 50/35
14/12 cal row
FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS!!! Don’t forget that this year it starts at 5:30 pm!
Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
8 toes-to-bars
10 dumbbell hang clean and jerks 50/35
14/12 cal row
FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS!!! Don’t forget that this year it starts at 5:30 pm!
A) OPEN 18.1
B) 10 min cool down on AAB or walk + any additional rolling/stretching/lacrosse ball
B) 10 min cool down on AAB or walk + any additional rolling/stretching/lacrosse ball
Skill: 3 rounds
6 to 8/side Standing Single Arm DB Strict Press
Rest :45
3 to 5 Negative Pull Ups
Rest :90
*On the negative Pull ups, have them jump to get chin over bar and a very slow control decent
6 to 8/side Standing Single Arm DB Strict Press
Rest :45
3 to 5 Negative Pull Ups
Rest :90
*On the negative Pull ups, have them jump to get chin over bar and a very slow control decent
Skill: Run 1 mile for time or 2k row for time
WOD: EMOM for 12 min
Min 1: 12 DB Step Ups (AHAP)
Min 2: 12 Pull Ups
Min 3: 12 Pistols
Rest 3 min then:
For time:
12 DB Step Ups
WOD: EMOM for 12 min
Min 1: 12 DB Step Ups (AHAP)
Min 2: 12 Pull Ups
Min 3: 12 Pistols
Rest 3 min then:
For time:
12 DB Step Ups
Skill: Teams of 2 to 3
9 min AMRAP
Row – meters
1 Partner row, 1 partner holds top of Deadlift 135/95.
Switch as need between partners
Rowing may ONLY occur while bar is being held.
9 min AMRAP
Row – meters
1 Partner row, 1 partner holds top of Deadlift 135/95.
Switch as need between partners
Rowing may ONLY occur while bar is being held.